Link: Kamisama no Yado![H-Game][JAP]
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Автор:  dripper [ Пон Сеп 26, 2011 5:05 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Kamisama no Yado![H-Game][JAP]

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Title Kamisama no Yado!
Original title かみさまの宿っ!
Length Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Publishers White Cyc

At an inn, self-proclaimed "Kamisama" lives there. This inn is located at the middle of this world and that world. Wakana and Shouko are working there and customers are wandering spirits. Customers are increasing one by one and each one thinks why they can't rest in peace. On the other hand, Yado no Kamisama loves girls. His behaviors such as touching their breasts are frowned at. Can he really send those spirits to the skies?

Връзка за сваляне:
Part 1
Part 2

Автор:  Eien Ryuu [ Сря Сеп 28, 2011 6:17 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Kamisama no Yado![H-Game][JAP]

Шотовете ми допаднаха. Може и интересно да се окаже, стига да му хвърлят превод. :)


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