Заглавие: БК10[кръг1]: Eve Neuschwanstein vs Makoto Shishio
Публикувано на: Нед Ное 21, 2010 3:46 am
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Боен Колизеум 2010 Първи кръг, двубой 8: Eve Neuschwanstein (Needless)vsMakoto Shishio (Rurouni Kenshin)
Кръгът ще трае 7 дена. Крайният срок за гласуване е 27 Ноември, 23:59. Двамата участника с най-много гласове ще продължат напред. Двубоят ще е Free for all.
Условия по време на битките:
Героите ще се бият на живот и смърт; това не е състезание по популярност, така че сдържайте колкото можете фенбойщината.
Героите могат да се виждат и да се бият помежду си по дефиниция. Няма безсмъртни герои, има само такива, които още не са намерили майстора си.
Всякакви умения/техники от филми, OAVs и сериали се броят. Оръжия могат да се ползват, но бойни установки, меки, съекипници и т.н. нямат място в двубоите.
Аниме героите не могат да използват умения и прочее от мангите/игрите ако ги няма в даденото аниме.
Начин на гласуване и ограничения:
Вота си давате чрез постване в темата, като го отделите малко от останалото мнение.
Примерно гласуване написа:
Monkey D.Luffy
*Произволен текст.....*
Имате право да гласувате само 1 път, при повторно гласуване, вота ви ще бъде анулиран (това е за единични случаи, при повече може да бъде дисквалифициран и героя).
Хора регистрирани след 1ви октомври 2010 или с постове по-малко от 15, нямат право да гласуват и съответно вотовете им няма да се отчетът.
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9848 Местоположение: PervTown
Zetsumei написа:
Eve Neuschwanstein [Needless]
Blade's partner. She is bad at remembering other people's names (eg. she calls Cruz Yamada). Her fantasy shows that deep down she is ashamed of this and wishes she could get everyone's name right. Even though she has the appearance of a young girl, she is proven to be a capable fighter. This is shown when she is able to defeat one of Simeon's Elite Four, Uten, as well as three of the Simeon Pretty Girl Squad. Her fragment is 'Doppelganger', an ability which allows her to shapeshift into anything (from a drill on her arm to other person's appearances). She is also shown to be able to shapeshift into a wall, which is inorganic. Arclight deduced that her fragment is as powerful as that of a Missing Link. The weakness of this power is that she needs a lot of calories to use it. Therefore she often drinks an energy drink named 'Super Gel Dero Doro Drink', which contains 5000 kilocalories. She was captured by the Simeon Girl Squad because of her bad luck. After being captured, a mind control Needless named Kurumi used her like a marionette against her friends. There was also 'Super Gel Dero Doro Drink' device installed within her body by Simeon, which gives her a huge boost of calories and eliminates her low calorie weakness. Gido claimed that she was born for the purpose of having the capability to be pregnant with Adam Blade's child to reproduce offspring, since Adam's DNA is different from ordinary humans. Her last name was originally "N" due to the fact she is the 14th specimen, and was later derived as Neuschwanstein.
Bleach_note написа:
Makoto Shishio (Ruroni Kenshin)
After the death of Yukishiro Tomoe, Himura Kenshin became a free wielding swordsman to protect members of the Ishin Shishi. Shishio Makoto became his successor as the shadow hitokiri (assassin) and was responsible for the assassination of Izuka, the man who had betrayed the shishi.
The future Meiji government was more secretive about Shishio than Kenshin; many members of the Chōshū and Satsuma clans (the members of the future Meiji government) would have very little information on him.
Later, the new Meiji government believed it would be in their best interests to eliminate Shishio before he became too powerful since Shishio was a man who desired power. Thus during the Boshin War, Shishio was rendered unconscious by several gunshots, doused in oil and burned alive by the new government formed by the Ishin Shishi. He survived, sustaining severe damage to his entire body. Afterwards, he assembled a group of the best fighters in Japan, called the Juppongatana (Ten Swords), to overthrow the Meiji government.
Shishio envisioned a Japan ruled by him, enforcing the principles of natural selection, or what he called "the strong eat the weak". Using this belief he ran a campaign against the Meiji government, as he felt it was too weak to effectively lead the country. Using his motto, he molded an ideological disciple out of Seta Sōjirō, who served as his right-hand man, and the strongest of the Juppongatana. He planned to strengthen the economy with petroleum once he took over the country.
Ако не сте доволни от описанието на даден персонаж, то моля представете ни по-добре написано такова или се оплаквайте на човека предложил персонажа, че е дал съкато описание...
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: БК10[кръг1]: Eve Neuschwanstein vs Makoto Shishio
Публикувано на: Нед Ное 21, 2010 5:43 am
Регистриран на: Съб Май 05, 2007 1:18 pm Мнения: 2895
Eve Neuschwanstein
_________________ Victory through extermination.
Заглавие: Re: БК10[кръг1]: Eve Neuschwanstein vs Makoto Shishio
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