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Край на гласуването
26ти Март 2013Начин на гласуване и ограничения:Shaenadomanga: Dark Air
Princess Rania is the younger sister of Queen Tar Firi of Faynia. She is a companion of Melrose, Mustain, and
Forest Freelander who goes under the name Shenandoah. Currently, she is unconcious and being treated by Roid
van Berto and Nicky White.
Rania is a young woman with short, white hair with yellow eyes. She normally wears a white top with a V Shape
with white shorts. She also wears a scarf that looks like a cape. She strong sturdy shoulder's without secess fat.
Powerfull sinewy thigh's all the way, beautiful reddish-brown shin carrying three swords.
Even as a child, Rania was known for being quiet, resolute, and honorable. She often does not show any
personality. She seems to get along well with Melrose.
Weapons/ Abilities
Sword: Rania is an excellent swordswoman. Her abilities were known by the people while she was young.
Because of her skill, Rania can often make clean and accurate hits.

Yegrinnamanga: Carnivorous Princess Yegrinna
Йегрина е принцесата на кучетата в животинския свят и е изпратена да накаже човечеството за всичките престъпни деяния, които са извършили, като ги превърне в животни.