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Край на гласуването
5ти Май 2012Kaoru Hanayama (Baki)

Fifteen-year-old yakuza leader and strongman. When his father died, he was adopted by his uncle who saw great potential in him. His grip is so strong that if he grabs an opponent's arm, he can cause it to explode from restricting the blood flow. He is also a street fighter and it is unknown if he has trained in martial art styles. He broke Yuri Chakosky's arm, thus ending his boxing career, but when then cross paths again they hold no grudge against each other understanding each other's warrior spirit.
John Doe (Embalming -The Another Tale of Frankenstein-)

The sixth special type Frankenstein created by Doktor Ricter, who has no recollection of his "true purpose" and travels with Rose. He killed Elm as soon as he was created. He has scars/stitched wounds on his left palm and on his chest, out of which comes some sort of blast that he uses to fight.
Akira Inugami (Wolf Guy)
When he was a kid, he had his fortune told and the lady died soon after. Then, he and his parents went missing in Alaska. Inugami was eventually found, but he was with wolves. He was sent to live with his aunt. Now he lives in an apartment. Oh, yeah, and he's a werewolf.
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