Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3
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Автор:  CaBa [ Вто Май 01, 2012 3:09 am ]
Заглавие:  Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

Номинираните герои за Badass Showdown са разделени на случаен принцип в 8 блока по ~3 героя. Събралите 2ма най-много гласове от своя блок, ще премине в следващият кръг.
В темата могат да се пускат не ограничен брой снимки (стига да отговарят на определените норми) за фаворитите си, но трябва да се пускат в thumbnail.
Край на гласуването 5ти Май 2012

Takashi Mutsuhashi (Kyou kara Ore wa!!)
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He gave up his ordinary school life and decided to "become a delinquent from today on" (thus the title of this manga), after moving to his new home in Chiba.
To make his appearance more noticeable, he dyed his hair blond (he often use this appearance to pretend to be a foreigner).
Being a very athletic person, he used his talent for the sole purpose of brawling and actually becomes a real delinquent.
His fighting style is based around his speed, as he often dodges most attacks, becoming enraged whenever he is forced to block.
Despite being the most self-centered person in the series and may seem stupid or shallow at first, he actually cares about his friends.


Kanzaki Jin / ZET (Zetman)
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A mysterious young man bearing a circular lump on the back of his left hand, Jin was a result of the Z.E.T. Project by the Amagi Corporation to create the perfect being to fight and destroy the escaped Players. He was however released by Gorou Kanzaki, who wanted nothing more for Jin than to grow up as a normal human. Jin is able to transform a creature known as "ZET", a mutant possessing superhuman abilities, but often mistaken for another Player. The transformation is slow, though it may be accelerated due to extreme rage and conditions.


Oudo Miyakonojou (Medaka Box)
Oudo Miyakonojou is a senior of Class 13 and a member of the Flask Plan's Thirteen Party. His project name is Create.Because of his ability, he grew up egotistical. He believes he was born a king and everyone else a servant to him. He is cold blooded, although it probably just seems that way because of his bold behavior. When he was young, he left his parents because he was worried what they would do with his ability once they found out. He lived in the streets for 7 years, trying to master his ability and not let it take control of him. He thought of mastering his ability as a test to see if he was capable of being king. Eventually he showed up for a entrance ceremony in middle school and when he tried to show he controlled his ability, it backfired and it showed that he was being controlled instead. After 3 years, he eventually ending up in the Flask Plan in middle school.

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Автор:  CaBa [ Вто Май 01, 2012 3:45 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  realist [ Вто Май 01, 2012 3:46 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

Takashi Mutsuhashi

Автор:  Pinko [ Вто Май 01, 2012 4:56 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

Такаши :) Толкова съм му се хилил на простотиите

Автор:  deathrazor [ Вто Май 01, 2012 10:45 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  loader [ Вто Май 01, 2012 11:35 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  krish [ Вто Май 01, 2012 12:54 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  TsukiAkari [ Вто Май 01, 2012 2:02 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  faranar [ Вто Май 01, 2012 3:23 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  Ice-Man [ Вто Май 01, 2012 4:38 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  JohnnyQuid [ Вто Май 01, 2012 6:25 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

CaBa написа:

Автор:  DiaDora [ Сря Май 02, 2012 12:00 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

и аз Зет.... от всички ******ман-овци, ЗЕТ е най- цООл :)

Автор:  Eien Ryuu [ Чет Май 03, 2012 4:36 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

Takashi Mutsuhashi.

Автор:  nozo [ Чет Май 03, 2012 7:33 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3


Автор:  SonGoku [ Чет Май 03, 2012 7:45 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Badass Showdown II - Кръг 1, Блок 3

CaBa написа:

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