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20ти Март 2012Начин на гласуване и ограничения:Chun Woo Hanmanga: The Breaker
Teacher who has mastered 9 styles of martial arts. With a mysterious past who seems to hold a grudge for the martial artists federation relating to the death of his master.
At the beginning of the story he seems to be a perverted middle aged man who came to the school going undercover as a teacher. After Shioon discovering his martial art skills, shioon bribes him with a video clip. Continuing Chun woo discovers Shioon's hidden potential and teaches foot and arm techiniques.As the story progresses, he shows more of his past and growing relationship with his new disciple.

Lucifermanga: Angel Sanctuary
The Demon Lord of Hell, Lucifer was told by God that he was born with only one reason - to become the Prince of Darkness and rule the demons. As revenge, Lucifer planned to rape Alexiel, believing that she was God's "beloved daughter," but soon fell in love with her, and, though he tried to, could not follow through with his plans to rape her. After God imprisions Alexiel in Eden, Lucifer returns from Hell to release her. As punishment for this, God extracts his soul and places it within Nanatsusaya Mitamanatsurug, a seven-bladed sword.
Senji Kiyomasamanga: Deadman Wonderland
Senji, nicknamed Crow, is the first Deadman Ganta encounters while held as an inmate in Deadman Wonderland. Confined in Level G for his ferocity, he is depicted as a tall, powerfully built man which revels in bloodshed and battle, a fact which helps him enjoy his life in prison and the Carnival Corpse matches. He is the first opponent Ganta faces off against, and apparently dominates their entire battle until Ganta suddenly defeats him with a powerful blood shot to the chest. Being defeated, as a penalty Senji is stripped of his right eye, though he reappears shortly after and somehow befriends Ganta, christening his power as the Ganta Gun and helping him by encouraging him during his next match. His Branch of Sin power has its blood turning into incredibly sharp scythes that protrude from his forearms, the Crow Claws, with which can perform an attack at the speed of sound he dubs Invisible Black. Also, he becomes greatly embarrassed when in the presence of women with risque clothing, often to the point of ridiculing himself.