Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-
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Автор:  CaBa [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 5:12 am ]
Заглавие:  Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Номинираните герои за Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- са разделени на случаен принцип в 4 блока по 4 героя. Двамата които съберат най-много гласове от своя блок, ще преминат в следващият кръг. След което Блок 1 & 2, сформират Полуфинал 1, а Блок 3 и 4 - Полуфинал 2.
В темата могат да се пускат не ограничен брой снимки (стига да отговарят на определените норми) за фаворитките си, но трябва да се пускат в thumbnail.
Край на гласуването 7ми Февруари 2011

Ryuichi Asami
manga: Finder Series

A shrewd, powerful businessman who deals in shady businesses as well has having connections with underworld leaders in China, Asami Ryuichi's past is never really known. It's shown that he does have one or two scruples left, although he is blatantly possessive and dominating. After having left Hong Kong without a word seven years ago, Asami had gone on with his businesses, and ended up meeting a photographer, Takaba Akihito, who had photographed vital evidence and was looking to expose him.



Uon Hakuron
manga: Haou Airen

18-year old mafia in the Hong Kong mafia. His real name is Wang Li Chien (王厲誠?) and his family descended from the royal line in China . A fortune teller foretold that he would bring the downfall of his clan so his father tried to kill him. It set off a series of events to happen, causing his mother to be killed and Hakuron killing his father, the first of the many murders that would lead to him becoming the much feared man in the Triads. His mother left him with a Dragon Jade of which she swore would protect for the rest of his life. He seems like a very coldblooded man, but actually has a very kind side that rarely anyone notices. He falls in love with Kurumi, but many other organizations use her to try to ruin Hakuron and that leads to Hakuron to thinking that he would rather hurt Kurumi mentally if it means to protect her. Hakuron died in the end of the series, as Kaafai killed him, at the same day Kurumi and Hakuron was suppose to get married. Kurumi insisted of Hakuron go to a hospital, but he refuses as he wanted the very last moments to be with her.



Yakumo Saitou
manga: Shinrei Tantei Yakumo

Saitou Yakumo is a college student. He was born with different eye colors. His red left eye gives him a special ability to see ghosts and spirits. He believes ghosts and spirits are bound to earth because of a certain 'cause' and simply eliminating that 'cause' will those spirits rest in peace. Being asked for help by Ozawa Haruka, they begin the investigation together.


Satan "Kai Sakurai"
manga: Akuma na Eros

He's Satan, the strongest demon in hell. He was once an angel but was cast away to hell by god due to some reason. He appears before Miu and says that he would grant a wish but in return for granting that wish she has to give her virginity to him according to the contract. But as the story progress he falls in love with her and even goes as far as to tell Miu that even though he will let Miu have Amamiya's heart, he would not let Amamiya have Miu's heart because it belongs to him. He takes a few roles in Miu's life. First, he became Miu's elder brother, Kai. After they confess their love to each other, he becomes Miu's biology teacher. He is not very fond of Amamiya and refers to him as "that fucking angel".

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manga: Toriko

A Gourmet Hunter with an abnormally large appetite (A food serving for 500 people could only get him 1/10 full). He is known as one of the "Four Heavenly Kings," and his nickname is "The Glutton." Despite having a huge appetite and massive power, he does not indiscriminately kill and eat any animal; he only kills those animals he decides to eat. He has immunity to seventy different poisons, created by injecting himself with a near fatal dose of each poison and causing his body to create antibodies. He also has an animal-like sense of smell. He has adopted the Battle Wolf's new born pup and named it Terry Cloth. Like the other Kings, Toriko started off as a chain animal. He and the other Four Heavenly Kings were trained by Ichiryū, the president of the IGO. He has selected Komatsu as his chef in his bishoku-ya and chef combo, which Komatsu accepted.


Автор:  faye [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 11:54 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

По принципа на изключването Yakumo
пп сори CaBa, но торико не влиза в представите ми за бишонен :lol:

Автор:  CaBa [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 6:12 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Окс, не съм карал никой да гласува за него, такаче няма нужда да се извиняваш :lol:
Иначе ако питаш мен, половината от Bishi в аниме от сега и преди, не са бишита :lol: И явно Bishie беше кодова дума за готин мъжки персонаж, както Pantsu - готин женски персонаж (не всички им се виждат пантсуто, но са записани нали? :>)
По моя принцип на изключване -> Toriko :lol:

Автор:  faye [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 6:29 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Просто отбелязвеам контраста с останалите кандидати :lol: Абе то да се определи кое какво е си е цяло изкуство. Особено като виждам от време на време фенартове с модел пр: Кайжи
Ще кажеш, че носа му ще бие и Аполонския :lol:

Автор:  crazy_little_crow [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 6:55 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Глас за Асами .... <333

Автор:  krish [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 7:01 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-


Автор:  DiaDora [ Вто Фев 01, 2011 9:28 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Е може ли АСАМИ и ХАКУРОН да са в един лист, бре... :( :(

СаВа is picking on me (as usual) :mrgreen: ...

HAKURON, ама ... сърце на две ми се къса :(

Автор:  excape [ Чет Фев 03, 2011 5:35 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Дайте да бием Торико, бре =))

Автор:  Logrus [ Пет Фев 04, 2011 11:37 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

глас за Торико :P :lol:
excape написа:
Дайте да бием Торико, бре =))

Автор:  excape [ Пет Фев 04, 2011 1:06 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Охо, тва ще го запомня, ей, пази си гърба :twisted:

Така и си помислих, като го написах, че по-скоро обратното ще стане на желанието ми, ма айде.

Автор:  CaBa [ Вто Фев 08, 2011 12:55 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- Първи кръг -Блок 4-

Край на първи кръг. Победители - Toriko и Ryuichi Asami.

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