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7ти Февруари 2010Bridget L. Satellizermanga: Freezing
Bridget L. Satellizer is a Sophomore Pandora in training whom is known as the strongest in the Sophomore year at the school Aoi has recently transferred to. She was undefeated in the academy’s carnival battles until Kazuya surprised her with a tear filled hug. She is referred to by the other students as ‘The Heartless Witch’ and ‘The Untouchable Queen’, due to her anti social behaviour and her reaction to being touched. Rumour has it that Bridgette has killed over 20 Pandora and Limiters who dared touch her, and that she does not have a Limiter because of her cruel treatment of them. Because this, she seen as a violent psychopath and her fellow students are scared of her. Her bolt weapon is a blade-like weapon.
Mizuhara Ritsukomanga: Saru Lock
Ритсуко е красива, умна и доста изобретателна гимназистка ( учи в девическо училище ), дъщеря на търговец на тютюн, която има лошия новик да се въвлича в неприятности ( като дилър на наркотици, свидетел на престъпление, бива отвлечена и т.н.) Но тя има твърд характер и е доста схватлива, затова не стои безучастна и не се дава лесно.
Yurekamanga: Yureka
After Roto gets his normal ID back, Yureka is still around. Her presence hasn't been explained yet, but she is most likely a rogue AI, like Aura from the .hack series. She may have been hacked, as her stats are all maxed out- strangely enough, her skill for specific spells and weapons are all at zero. Regardless, she embodies a unique power to mimic moves enemies use on her and retaliate with versions of them more powerful than the original. Her real-life counterpart, jaeha, reappears in volume 6, mildly surprised to see 'herself' on television.
Natsuki Hagiwaramanga: Ane Doki
Age 17, High School student. Suddenly moved in to Ochiai Kouta house to act as his older sister while his father is away. The reasons are unknown except for the fact that she owes him for the ice cream. She seems to be a great fighter, as she beat up three bullies and a thief. She is immature, but in the end helps Kouta find a solution to his problems.Her specialty is tying cherries with her tongue.