Basically Rayleigh asks Luffy why he wants to become strong, Luffy says it's because he wants to protect his nakama, Rayleigh's all "ooh, he sounds just like Roger!" and then there's a running through of everybody's dreams (small flashbacks) as Luffy remembers each strawhat in turn starting with Zoro (in order of joining I presume), saying that he wants to make all his nakama's dreams come true since they are all lending him their strength so he can fulfill his own of becoming pirate king. The last part is slightly interesting (if it is even true), cuz Luffy appears to be able to sense that everyone has already started heading towards Sabaondy.
Credits: mangahelpers again/saladesu - това най-вероятно е фалшиво, а и е тъпо такава глава след 1 месец чакане
please be fake! please be fake! please be fake! please be fake!
х3 ще видим утре
Luffy is fighting with some creature and Margaret comes to tell him the ship is ready.. it scares her and Luffy intimidates it using his Haki.. Froth and all… He boards the Kuja ship and they head off to SA… Hancock says she will depart with Luffy but the Kuja and Ray disapprove. Finally Luffy says “youre the only one who can protect your crew..” and she agrees… When they arrived at SA, Aokiji was waiting and he was impressed how much Luffy had grown in 2 years.. Shakky shows up and stop them from fighting and Rayleigh stops her from interfering… Luffy manages to hurt Aokiji while Luffy remains unharmed.. Aokiji says something like so that how it is…. and he falls asleep…
Then we flash to Kuma standing in front of the Sunny Go and through his “scope” he identifies SHakky as the Ex 2nd Division Comander of the WB pirates and attacks her.. She proves a worthy foe and damages him.. As they continue to fight and Doflamingo appears. He uses his DF and takes control of Shakky.. Binding her.. Shakky says “the SH aren’t Here yet…” TO which Doflamingo replies “we will be waiting” and takes off with Kuma..
THe scene then again shifts to the NW and the BB pirates who have gotten a MArine Battleship.. And via San Juan WOlf’s ability he can fuse with the ship (somehow) and the ship grows in size and likely becomes creepy looking… BB and crew take out one of Kaidou’s ships and have terrorized the marine bases of the NW.. There isn’t a soul that hasn’t heard of the BB pirates now…
Then.. it shifts to Law who has entered the NW and has met up with SHanks.. They discuss about Luffy ant the Will of “D” Scene Changes to MHQ where they are meeting KOng, Sengoku and the 3 Admirals.. They are discussing the appointment of the new fleet admiral.. Akainu brings up that Aokiji saved Robin during the Ohara incident and failed to capture the SH.. Kong questions Aokiji but he doesnt reply… Kong has Aokiji jailed and appoints Akainu the new FA… Sentoumaru has figures that Luffy’s tattoo is a code and Vegapunk decodes the message successfully… the WG knows to expect the SH at SA… and when. Sengoku says don’t worry about it But Akainu thiks they will be too dangerous if they make it to the NW.. But he’s to busy with something else (IMO Bonney) SO Kizaru goes with some PX’s and Sentoumaru…
AT SA: Kizaru and Co. arrive and see Luffy and Aojiki together.. Kizaru questions if Kuzan really will fight and defy the WG?? No reply.. Aokiji uses his Ice age and freezes the PX’s to destruction… Kizaru and Sentoumaru VS. Aokiji and Luffy…
даде ми 404 за блога от който е взето, но ми се струва прекалено това, за мен Аокижи е като Гарп, а и уж първо го хвърлят в затвора, а после го виждат при Луфи не се вързва.
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
Освен Фуранки другите са си добре Малко смесени чувства към едноръкия Зоро Santoryu-то си е нещо уникално за Зоро и ще е малко лейм да го променат,но пък щом е станал имба i'm ok with it Отначало като видях Нами и не я познах и си викам ква е таз русалка бе? Girls=hothothothothothothot
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
Публикувано на: Вто Сеп 28, 2010 10:50 pm
Регистриран на: Чет Ное 08, 2007 10:14 pm Мнения: 3686 Местоположение: Къде ми е портфейлът?
ооок, абстиненциата е лошо нещо и ме накара да се наспойля...
тва за едноръкия зоро ше е много тъпо, щото му отива стила, ако не сържи третата със задника си...от друга страна мое да покаже ква имба е и само с една ръка и една сабя, ама пак му се губи идеята...
да, жените са с бигър буубис
_________________ ...всичко се свежда до секс и насилие,обикновено в комбинация...
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
Публикувано на: Вто Сеп 28, 2010 11:24 pm
Регистриран на: Сря Авг 27, 2008 12:04 am Мнения: 1311 Местоположение: Голямо село,Малък град---->Плевен
please be fake! please be fake! please be fake! please be fake!
x2 x2 x2
x3 Защото ми харесват освен Франки,Нами и Зоро,обаче то едно разваля цялата картинка. П.П.къде видяхте зоро без една ръка бе,другата просто е зад него А може пък аз да не съм видял и да бъде тъпо. А иначе и аз си наспойлих не се сдържах.Много ме сърби да видя на Нами,Зоро и Робин скиловете. П.П.2 WTF,Зоро наистина има чукан.НЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ!
Има нови картинки Спиралкинда-та е пуснал някой от тях ама гледайки другите Ода май се ебава здраво с читателите с тея фалшиви членове на екипажа и как изглеждат
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
Публикувано на: Сря Сеп 29, 2010 1:44 am
Регистриран на: Съб Ное 17, 2007 1:35 am Мнения: 3675 Местоположение: Oro Jackson
599 Spoilers излезе целия raw но няма да ви spoilvam цялото удоволствие за това само 1 снимка пускам ако някои иска ще му дам линк към останалите или ги потърсете сами и все пак ахахаха няма друг като Ода
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
Публикувано на: Вто Окт 05, 2010 1:36 pm
Регистриран на: Съб Авг 27, 2005 10:32 am Мнения: 573
Originally Posted by rubia_ryu View Post I'm going out of order. Here's what I could come up with for Sentoumaru's page:
Sentoumaru: We're heading out now. Grunt: "Ah, Sentoumaru-san!" Sen: "Bring along PX-5 and PX-7." Grunt: "Eh!? The Pacifista are coming too?" Sen: "Of course, isn't the Straw Hat crew heading there? Within these 2 years, they'll have become much stronger. This archipelago is where all sorts of Rookies always gather.
Two years ago, the reason behind Kuma's strange behavior went under investigation. He was supposed to have lost all free will, yet his oddities continued.
Keep in mind that the Straw Hat crew will definitely reunite some time today at this archipelago! Let's go!!"
*Cue flash panels of all SHs but one*
Note: He still refers to Kuma with "-kou" in respect.
Originally Posted by Steven D. Teach View Post Drunk half assed Zoro/Sanji stuff。
42 GR
Sanji: Yo old fisherman! Catching any fish today? Give em to me cheap. Fisherman: Ahhhh!!! Sanji: What’s the prob? Fisherman: He went off!! The green haired lad! Sanji: Green haired…did something happen? Fisherman: This has turned into something big… Fisherman: I mean…the truth is, a dude with three swords came in and was like…”I’m bored, I want to fish”!!! I told him there was a fishing boat leaving soon so to board it ahead but… Sanji: He had green hair, and three swords…did he have a wrap around his stomach? Fisherman: Oh!! Yes that’s it!! And one eye!! Do you know him? Sanji: One eye….? Sanji: Is this the guy?! Fisherman: Ohhh!!! That’s him!! This lad!! Is he your friend? Sanji: mmmm….welll….how to put it…I know the guy.
Dudes: The giant pirate ship…in two!! Dudes: Look!!! Zoro?(maybe the dudes): Going ahead and doing a thing like that… Dudes: Someone is on the ship!! Sanji: What…so he came back. Well, whatever is fine. Zoro: Tch…..I got on…the wrong boat!!
Hancock stuff too. My bad if I missed something--writing lesson plans and drinking.
Luffy: Yeah!! Thanks for everyone everybody!! Marguerite the pointless: fufuf…we’re praying for your good luck! Hancock: And…I have one request of you… Luffy: What is it? I don’t want to marry you. Hancock: No…could you go on ahead without saying…farewell? Luffy: What!! I never said that to anyone. I want to see you again!! Luffy: I’m really headed off now!! Pointless amazons: Later Luffy, definitely!! Luffy: Later!! Hancock: He said he wants to meet me again…is this by any chance…a proposal?! Nyon: NO!
edit: And I think the Sentoumaru stuff got taken care of?
Последна промяна символа на Сря Окт 27, 2010 4:01 pm, променена общо 1 път
_________________ Съжалявам приятелю .. дано се видим пак някой ден. А дотогава ти оставям това, да си спомняш за мен с добро
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
Верно е объркал очите ... и наистина е без едно ... или !!! което мен много ще ми напълни душата, Зоро ще получи от Франки, с помощта на Чопър, ново изкуствено
_________________ グリフォン However, by that point you might be torn into pieces. 'til next time Erza Almost like ... A scarlet flower, blooming fully with pride.
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