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 Заглавие: Спешна помощ за превод
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Дек 03, 2013 12:07 pm 

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Здравейте, имам нужда от спешна помощ за един превод от английски на български.Благодаря предварително. Ето го и текста :

Chapter 4- How to Be a Good Client: Ogilvy starts by making the statement that “a
million dollars’ worth of effective advertising can sale more than ten million dollars’
worth of ineffective advertising.” From here he goes into the rules that a company should
follow if they wish to be a good client for an advertising agency.
1. Emancipate your agency from fear: if you are a company, make sure that the
advertising agency you have knows that they trust in your work, and that if you
have a problem, you will address it instead of switching agencies immediately.
2. Select the right agency in the first place: every company should have an
advertising manager who knows enough about advertising to make an informed
decision as to which agency will best fit the company.
3. Brief your agency very thoroughly indeed: make sure that the ad agency knows as
much about the product as possible, that way they can have the best insight on
how to advertise the product.
4. Do not compete with your agency in the creative area: you hired the agency to
make creative ads, do not try and do creative work and force that work onto them.
5. Coddle the goose who lays your golden eggs: if an agency is producing good
advertising, then allow them to continue to produce ads, and give them more
responsibilities with products.
6. Don’t strain your advertising through too many levels: do not allow too many
people the ability to control the ad. The more people who can change the ad, the
more complicated the ads become.
7. Make sure that your agency makes a profit: a company’s account in an ad agency
is not the only account, so if an account does not make the agency a profit, it will
not get the attention that a profitable account will get.
8. Don’t haggle with your agency: if you complain about the price of a certain area
of the advertising, such as research, it is likely that you will end up without
enough focus in that area.
9. Be candid, and encourage candor: if you have a problem with the agency, tell
them, but do not threaten. If you explain exactly what you want and feel is
needed, then the agency will likely do that to you as well.
10. Set high standards: be sure that your agency knows that you expect great things,
and when they provide them, be sure to give them the praise they deserve.
11. Test everything: most products do not get out of test markets, so test the product
as well as the advertising to make sure it will be successful.
12. Hurry: be sure to use time as a function of profit as well as money.
13. Don’t waste time on problem babies: do not pour money into a product that will
likely fail, spend money on making successful products even more successful.
14. Tolerate genius: do not be intimidated by advertising genius, accept it and cherish
15. Don’t under spend: it takes more money to compensate for not putting enough
money in an ad than it does to put the money in the ad in the first place.
Chapter 5- how to Build Great Campaigns Ogilvy starts by telling how many critics
condemn all of his rules and say that the rules make dull advertisements. He argues that
this is not the case and that advertising set within rules can be creative, and also more
effective than those without rules. The rules to build a great campaign are as follows.
1. What you say is more important than how you say it: the information you give is
more important to the consumer than the way you present it.
2. Unless your campaign is built around a great idea, it will flop: in order for people
to be affected by the advertising, it has to be something new original.
3. Give the facts: information about the product is more important than persuading
the consumer with adjectives.
4. You cannot bore people in buying: in order for an advertisement to be effective,
it must make the consumer want to read what it has to say.
5. Be well-mannered, but don’t clown: bad-mannered advertisements do not sell
products, but advertisements should not always be funny and comic either.
6. Make your advertising contemporary: make sure that you are current with
advertising and the information and ads will appeal to the current demographic.
7. Committees can criticize advertisements, but they cannot write them: good
advertising cannot be a committee effort; it must be the effort of the individuals
who understand the product the best.
8. If you are lucky enough to write a good advertisement, repeat it until it stops
pulling: do not stop an advertisement just because you are tired of it, if it is still
selling the product, continue to run it.
9. Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your own family to read:
be honest and truthful with your ads, do not try to manipulate your readers.
10. The image and the brand: all ads should contribute something useful to the image
and the brand the company is trying to sell.
11. Don’t be a copy-cat: any time an agency copies another agencies ad, it is showing
that it is an inferior company, and will lose the respect of others.
Chapter 6-How to Write Potent Copy: Ogilvy goes straight into the rules for this
1. The headline is the most important part of the ad; it is what gets the reader’s
attention and what makes them keep reading. Invite readers and do not say
anything to exclude any readers.
2. Every headline should appeal to the interest of the consumer.
3. Try to put news in the headline. The words new and free are the most powerful
words that can appear in the headline.
4. There are several other words that are effective: How to, Suddenly, Now,
Announcing, Improvement, etc. Headlines can also include emotional words.
5. Five times as many people read the headlines and the body.
6. Include a promise in the headlines, and longer headlines sell more than short
7. If the headlines make the consumer curious, they will more likely read the body.
8. Do not try to write tricky headlines, be simple and to the point.
9. Do not use negatives in the headlines.
10. Always make the headlines have a meaning.
The main point of this section is to tell the advertisers to write the body as if you were
recommending the product to a stranger. Do not try to impress the reader with big words,
be simple and concise with the body.
Chapter 7- How to Illustrate Advertisements and Posters: The most powerful
advertising illustrations are the ones that arouse the consumers curiosity. Make an
illustration that a consumer can glance at and be compelled to find out what is being
advertised. Make the consumer ask questions about the illustration. Another type of
illustration that is effective is the before and after pictures. They show the results and can
help get the benefits across. Use illustrations and pictures that give the company a
personality, and allow the consumer to relate to the company. If you make an
advertisement look like an editorial page it will attract more readers than making it look
like an ad. Another point worth mentioning is the fact that people read the caption under
a photograph more than they read the copy of the article. There is a list of several tricks
to try and make a long copy more readable, with the average tip adding about 10 percent
readability to the copy. Never type the whole ad in capital letters; it is harder for a person
to read. As far as posters and outside advertisements, passing people do not have time to
read many words, so illustrations should get the point across fairly easily and quickly.
Chapter 8-How to make Good Television Commercials: “The purpose of a
commercial is not to entertain the viewer, but to sell him.” The main thing about
commercials is to make the pictures tell the story. The picture is more important than the
words you present. One main difference between print ads and commercials is that in
print, you have to attract the viewer, where television the viewer is already paying
attention. Given the amount of commercials on television, you must make the
commercial memorable, and make sure that the selling point stands out to the consumer.
The biggest shock in this chapter is that Ogilvy is against jingles to sell a product; he
would rather have the spoken word.
Chapter 9- How to Make Good Campaigns for Food Products, Tourist Destinations
and Patent Medicines:
Food Products: Ogilvy talks about television being in black and white, so this is a little
dated, but he questions how to make food look appealing on television. He narrows the
important factors down to 22 commandments, which are too vast to mention, but the
main deal is that you should make the food appealing, give recipes when you can, and to
try to include news and brand name in the ad.
Tourist Destinations: He uses his experience to come up with a few rules for tourist
destinations as well.
1. Always portray the destination favorably.
2. Always include something special about the destination.
3. Give images and thoughts that will stay with the viewer.
4. People who travel are smart, do not insult their intelligence.
5. Help the reader understand that they can afford the trip.
6. Make viewers feel like going to the destination is the popular thing to do.
7. Convert consumer’s dreams into action by getting them to go where they always
wanted to go.
8. Consumers are out to get clichés, so give them that.
Patent Medicines: Again Ogilvy goes right into the rules he has established.
1. The ad must show the benefits of your product over the competition.
2. The ad must contain news, or at least news worthy events.
3. Make the ad show that the medicine takes care of a serious issue.
4. The ad should show authority, or doctor recommendation.
5. The ad should talk about the disease and the medicine.
6. The person wants to think you can help, so make them believe that you can.
Chapter 10- How to Rise to the Top of the Tree (Advice to the Young): The main
point that Ogilvy makes is that in order to be successful, a person must be ambitious.
Nothing is going to be given to anyone, and everyone has to earn what they get. Again,
he has several rules that apply to all businesses, not just advertising.
1. Sooner or later, you will be hurt and disappointed by a client, but you can not let
that stop you from being great at what you do.
2. A person can get by just being the go between men, but in order to gain power
and money, you have to have more aspirations.
3. No matter how good you are, experience is the best teacher you can have.
4. Any successful person has to make great presentations. They must be well
written and well delivered.
5. Treat clients as friends, and truly act in their best interest.
6. Only fight for the clients and things that are worth fighting for.
7. Do not leak any information about anyone.
8. Conduct business in private, do not allow others to hear and steal your ideas.
9. If you can admit your mistakes, you will earn the respect of others.
10. Be sure to write concise and to the point inter-office memoranda.
Ogilvy then goes on to explain why advertising pays well, and talks about being
careful about the decisions you make and to be conscious of how your actions make
you look and affect other people.
Chapter 11-Should Advertising Be Abolished?: He starts out by talking about the
different opinions of people. Talking about how many people feel that advertisers should
give nothing but facts. He then goes on to talk about if advertising raises prices or not.
And talks about how the debate on the topic is still on going. Many people feel that
advertising helps create a monopoly, but according to Ogilvy, and researchers he quotes,
advertising is not a basic cause of monopolies. In Ogilvy’s opinion, advertising can not
push an inferior product on the consumer, and tells this from his experience with the
issue. While he agrees that advertising was founded based on lies and deceptions, he
feels that it is now an honest way to promote a product or service. As far as the question
of whether advertising make people want to buy products they don’t need, he feels that it
is a matter of opinion. If you feel that people do not need a product such as deodorant or
beer, then yes it can, but many people feel that they want these items, advertising just
gives them the information to make better choices. Overall Ogilvy thinks that given the
right rules and regulations, advertising can be a powerful tool to help a company succeed
in any business. It is a foundation of society as we know it, and is a principal part of the
economic system in which we live in.

 Заглавие: Re: Спешна помощ за превод
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Дек 03, 2013 1:15 pm 

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