Link: Another [J-Live Action]
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Автор:  zdzdz [ Пон Юни 03, 2013 11:33 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Another [J-Live Action]



Japanese Ttle: アナザー
Also Known As: Anazaa

Year: 2012
Country: Japan
Director: Takeshi Furusawa
Screenwrieter: Yukito Ayatsuji (novel), Sachiko Tanaka
Genre: Horror
Runtime: 109 min
Language: Japanese
Release Date: August 4, 2012

Kento Yamazaki - Koichi Sakakibara
Ai Hashimoto - Mei Misaki
Ai Kato - Reiko Mikami
Yoshihiko Hakamada - Tatsuji Chibiki
Mika Akizuki - Izumi Akazawa
Kai Inowaki - Yuya Mochizuki
Amane Okayama - Yu Yamada
Uji Kiyotaka - Hayato Teshigawara
Mana Kanno - Sakurako Wakui
Maya Okano - Yukari Sakuragi
Takashi Waki - Tomohiko Kazamyo
Hiroko Sato - Sanae Mizuno
Miho Tsumiki - Kirika
Bokuzo Masana - Ryoichi Kubodera
Masaki Miura - Katsumi Matsunaga
Gin Pun Chou
Narumi Akizuki

Synopsis/ Plot:
After a chain of deaths at a junior high school, new transfer student Koichi Sakakibara (Kento Yamazaki) turns to a mysterious girl (Ai Hashimoto) who holds the key to the dark mystery ...

In the spring of 1998, 15-year-old Koichi Sakakibara's (Kento Yamazaki) father goes abroad and Koichi Sakakibara goes to live with his aunt Reiko Mikami (Ai Kato), who lives in a mountain region. Not long after he moves in with his aunt, he collapses from a pneumothorax attack and becomes hospitalized. One day, at the elevator in the hospital, Koichi meets a pretty girl wearing a uniform and an eye patch. Koichi just stares at her. The pretty girl says something strange and then vanishes in the hospital mortuary. After being discharged from the hospital, Koichi goes to his new school. He finds the pretty girl, Mei Misaki (Ai Hashimoto) is also in his class. Koichi doesn't feel comfortable, because all of his classmates and even his teacher act like the girl doesn't exist.


Official Site:



:arrow: *ttps://!zAEQyLaY!EB321UlXBfNv6m9Ozzd14kyEiwtp36yVIQMTZayM_E0

Eng Subs: *ttps://!3ccUASQS!L_0NLCXRKmmHDw0_6pQJZnIkTKQ9QtSX2sty4fgeS9Y

Автор:  Eien Ryuu [ Съб Юни 29, 2013 5:42 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Another [J-Live Action]

Я, не очаквах да има и лайв по анимето. Определено ще се види заради това. :)


Автор:  ukio [ Съб Юни 29, 2013 5:50 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Another [J-Live Action]

Не очаквай и да е нещо велико, въпреки че главните актьори са изключително качествени младежи.
След стресиращата миналогодишна хорър-лента на Миике, съвсем изгубих интерес към този жанр. Бруталността ми идва прекалено.

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