Link: All About My Wife [K-Movie]
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Автор:  zdzdz [ Пон Ное 26, 2012 8:39 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: All About My Wife [K-Movie]

All About My Wife


Korean Ttle: 내 아내의 모든 것
Also Known As: Nae Anaeui Modeun Geot

Year: 2012
Country: South Korea
Director: Min Kyu-Dong
Screenwrieter: Heo Sung-Hye, Min Kyu-Dong
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Runtime: 121 min
Language: Korean
Release Date: May 17, 2012

Lim Soo-Jung - Jung-In
Lee Sun-Kyun - Doo-Hyun
Ryoo Seung-Ryong - Sung-Ki Casanova
Lee Kwang-Soo - Choi
Kim Ji-Young - Song
Kim Jung-Tae - Kwang-Sik
Lee Sung-Min - Company Director Na
Kim Bo-Young - Na's wife
Jung Sung-Hwa - newspaper delivery man
Lee Dal-Hyeong - captain at police station
Park Hee-Bon - female cop at police station
Jo Han-Cheol - public officer at divorce court
Nam Myung-Ryul - judge at divorce court
Lee Do-Ah - Pyeongchang Company employee
Kim Sun-Ha - waitress at noodle shop

Synopsis/ Plot:
Jung-In (Lim Soo-Jung) & Doo-Hyun (Lee Sun-Kyun) meet in Nagoya, Japan during an earthquake. Love quickly blossoms between the couple.

Seven years later, Jung-In and Doo-Hyun are a married couple. Jung-In is still an attractive woman, stylish and cooks with passion, but Doo-Hyun is miserable. He hates his wife's constant nagging and negative nature. He becomes so despondent that he contemplates asking for a divorce, but he is too meek to ask for the divorce. To get away from his wife, Doo-Hyun asks for a transfer at work.

Doo-Hyun is now stoked to be away from his wife. Elation soon turns back into despair when Jung-In suddenly appears at his temporary apartment unannounced!

A day or so later, Doo-Hyun notices several ladies who appear at the doorsteps of his neighbor. The ladies all seem desperate to talk to his neighbor and even fight among themselves. It turns out Doo-Hyun's neighbor is a legendary Cassanova named Sung-Ki (Ryoo Seung-Ryong). Sung-Ki has an extraordinary talent for seducing woman, but he wants to quit seducing women. Meanwhile, Doo-Hyun comes up with a plan. He pleads with his neighbor Sung-Ki to seduce his wife in order to get his wife to ask for a divorce!

  1. Filming began November 27, 2011 in Gocheok-dong, South Korea and finished February 13, 2012.
  2. On June 22, 2012, "All About My Wife" became the 4th South Korean film to pass the 4,000,000 ticket sales mark during the 2012 calendar year. The other three Korean movies that have surpassed 4,000,000 ticket sales by June 22, 2012 are "Nameless Gangster" (4,683,598), "Architecture 101" (4,104,981) and "Dancing Queen" (4,009,986).



Official Site: ;
Hancinema: ... y_Wife.php
Wiki: ;



Eng Subs:

Автор:  Eien Ryuu [ Пет Мар 15, 2013 6:44 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: All About My Wife [K-Movie]

Историята звучи много забавно. Тъкмо да се позабавлявам с малко комедия. :D

Обаче, линкът за английските субове вече е махнат. Ако можеш да направиш нещо... Благодаря ти предварително! :hat:

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