Link: In Love and War [K-Movie]
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Автор:  Naruto [ Чет Окт 13, 2011 11:10 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: In Love and War [K-Movie]


Инфо: IMDb
Заглавие: In Love and War (Jeok-gwa-eui Dong-chim)
Жанр: Комедия, романтика
Година: 2011
Аудио: Корейски
Субтитри: Английски
Качество: DVDRip - 712x384
Линк: (bgshare) Цък

Young Park Seol-Hee is eagerly planning her wedding to a young anti-Communist activist when the North Koreans invade. Her fiance is forced to flee, leaving her behind with her family in their tiny, rural South Korean village. Rather than resist the North Korean regiment that comes to occupy the area, the townspeople (to Seol-Hee's dismay) decide to cooperate with them in order to ensure their own survival. The North Koreans, however, turn out not to be all that Seol-Hee expected. She soon realizes that there is a history between her family and that of the regiment's leader, Lieutenant Kim Jeong-woong. In between the hilarious day to day antics of Seol-Hee's eccentric family and the hard realities of war, the attachment between Seol-Hee and Jeong-woong grows. As the occupation continues, Jeong-woong becomes torn between trying to follow the increasingly harsh orders from his general and protecting the people that he has come to love and care for so much.

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