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 Заглавие: Link: Jeong Seung-Pil Mystery [K-Movie]
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Яну 23, 2010 7:43 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Май 10, 2006 9:11 am
Мнения: 3661
Местоположение: Sofia

    /////////////////////////~Jeong Seung-Pil Mystery~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

  • ♠Title: Jeong Seung-Pil Mystery
  • ♡A.K.A.: The Weird Missing Case of Mr. J, Jeong Seung Pil Siljong Sageon, Where is Jung Seung-Phill
  • ♥Year: 2009
  • Genre: Comedy
  • ♣Running time: 97 min
  • ♤Country: South Korea
  • ♦Language: Korean
  • ♢Director: Kang Seok-Beom
  • Beom-su Lee -Seung-pil Jeong
  • Gyu-ri Kim - Mi-seon Yu
  • Chang-min Son - Inspector Kim
  • Roe-ha Kim - Inspector Park
  • Han-wi Lee - Jeong-nam Ju
  • Ja-yeon Jang - yoga instructor
❦ IMDb: N/A
❦ Official Site: http://www.whereisjsp.co.kr/
❦ Wikimedia:http://asianmediawiki.com/The_Weird_Missing_Case_of_Mr._J
❦ Han: http://www.hancinema.net/korean_movie_Where_is_Jung_Seung-Phill.php
❦ Trailer:

  • "The Weird Missing Case of Mr. J" is a detective-comedy centered around fund manager Seung-pil Jeong (Beom-su Lee). Seung-pil Jeong manages some 50 billion wons in assets and suddenly disappears one day. His fiance Mi-seon (Gyu-ri Kim) reports Seung-pil missing to the police. An overly aggressive detective named Inspector Kim (Chang-min Son) then suspects Mi-seon (Gyu-ri Kim) as the likely suspect - she took out an insurance policy on Seung-pil Jeong just the week before he went missing. Meanwhile, the disappearance of Seung-phil becomes a hot topic on national television ...

  1. Early working title for the film was "They're Coming" or "Keudeli Eunda" ("그들이 온다"). The Korean title "정승필 실종사건" means literally "Where Is Jung Seung-Phil?"
  2. Late actress "Ja-yeon Jang" has a brief cameo scene as a yoga instructor.
  3. "Where Is Jung Seung-Phil?" had its world premiere as the closing film for the 3rd annual Chungmuro International Film Festival in Seoul (CHIFFS) on September 1st, 2009.
  4. Movie opened #3 at the South Korean box office, selling 148,188 tickets on 293 screens & accounting for 14% of all tickets sold during its opening Oct. 9th-11th weekend.
  5. Through its theatrical run "Where Is Jung Seung-Phil?" sold a total of 322,976 tickets and stayed in the weekend top ten for 2 consectutive weeks.


Download Link ☚:

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