Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]
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Автор:  zdzdz [ Чет Ное 05, 2009 2:51 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]


    Sophie's Revenge

  • ♠Title: Sophie's Revenge
  • ♡A.K.A.: 菲常完美 (Fei Chang Wan Mei); 소피의 복수 (Sopiui Boksu)
  • ♥Year: 2009
  • ♢Genre: Comedy / Romance
  • ♣Running time: 103 Min.
  • ♤Country: China / South Korea (CJ Entertainment)
  • ♦Language: Mandarin
  • ♢Director: Yimeng Jin

    • Ziyi Zhang - Sophie
    • Ji-seob So - Jeff
    • Bingbing Fan - Anna
    • Peter Ho - Gordon
    • Ruby Lin - Lucy
    • Chen Yao - Lily

✡Official Site:
✡Han: ... evenge.php
✡KT: ... 50426.html


Sophie (Ziyi Zhang) is a talented cartoonist who seems to have it all – a successful career, great friends, and the perfect, handsome, fiancé, Jeff (Ji-seob So), a surgeon who her mother adores. So when Jeff is stolen away by Anna (Bingbing Fan), a beautiful actress, Sophie wants revenge.

The first step in her plan, “Sympathy and Understanding,” fails, as does the second step, “Nostalgia.” Sophie’s friends invite her out to a party to cheer her up, but she runs into Jeff and Anna. She also runs into Gordon (Peter Ho), a photographer, who apparently has been recently dumped by Anna. She quickly elicits his help in her revenge campaign.

With Gordon, Sophie continues to implement the other steps of her plan. But “Reinvention” fails. So does “Entrapment.” Gordon reluctantly agrees to help Sophie with “Arousing Jealousy,” where they both behave like lovers in front of Jeff and Anna. Finally, something in her plan begins to work: Jeff seems to be jealous. A thrilled Sophie is convinced that the next step, “Search and Rescue,” will be her final winning move.

But Gordon refuses to help, and confesses that he has fallen in love with Sophie, who, sooner than expected, is confronted by a repentant Jeff who wants her back! Who should she choose for true love and happiness?

  1. Sophie's Revenge has an estimated budget of $7.3 million and was filmed from January 15 through April 23, 2009.
  2. Chinese movie title "Fei Chang Wan Mei" means literally "very perfect".
  3. Sophie's Revenge marks the first time actress Ziyi Zhang stars in a romantic-comedy and the first time she works as a producer for the film.
  4. Sophie's Revenge has been promoted in 2009 Canne Film Festival

Download Link:

Автор:  lazeto [ Чет Ное 05, 2009 10:25 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

Филма е много весел и шарен :lol: на някои места съм се смяла със глас особено на шантавите лирични отклонения.

Автор:  Mia - chan [ Чет Фев 04, 2010 6:29 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

Мхм, филмът е интересен и много забавен. 'Софи' е голяма откачалка :lol:

Автор:  sunako-chan [ Пет Фев 05, 2010 4:52 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

Съгласна съм, пък и Zhang Ziyi е мн красива и има мн очарователно и нежно излъчване...Лично аз мн си я харесвам и актьорските й умения не са за подценяване :)

Автор:  bloodyrose [ Съб Фев 06, 2010 9:08 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

Супер сладко филмче направо ме грабна Zhang Zui е голяма сладурана там.Тя е много добра актриса ролята и като Саюри в мемоарите на една гейша го доказа.

Автор:  Johnny Cage [ Вто Фев 09, 2010 3:06 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

axaxaxa :lol: фантазиите на Софи бяха много странни...но пък се получаваха доста комични ситуации,
а Джеф ме кефеше през целия филм постоянно седеше като някакво дърво =))

Автор:  arale [ Съб Фев 13, 2010 3:00 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

Много готин филм :)

Автор:  Forest goddess [ Нед Сеп 05, 2010 8:17 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sophie's Revenge [C-Movie]

Омг... Зъи Цанг! Свалям ведннага. Изглежда супер сладуресто.

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