Link: Oh! Happy Day [K-Movie]
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Автор:  zdzdz [ Нед Окт 11, 2009 9:49 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Oh! Happy Day [K-Movie]


.:Oh! Happy Day:.

  • ♠Title: Oh! Happy Day
  • ♡A.K.A.: 오! 해피데이
  • ♥Year: 2003
  • ♢Genre: Comedy / Romance
  • ♣Running time: 1hr43min
  • ♤Country: South Korea
  • ♦Language: Korean
  • ♡Director: Hak-yeol Yun
  • Na-ra Jang ... Kong Hie-ji
    Jeong-cheol Park ... Kim Hyeon-jun
    Hang-Seon Jang ... Kong Jang-geun
    Hae-suk Kim ... Yang Mi-suk
    Ta-Hye Jeong ... Kong Seon-ji
    Ji-Yeon Park ... Female Staff
❦ IMDb:
❦ Official Site:
❦ Hancinema:
❦ AMW:!_Happy_Day
❦ Trailer:


  • I had to say this is one of my favorite movie of all time, I laughed since the beginning of the movie untill the end. The story line of this movie is very interesting and it had a very suprising ending that you wouldn't espect. The male actor in this movie Park Jung-chul did a great job at playing as a cute, charming, ladyman manager that made our Jang Nara ( the lead female actress) to fall in love with him at the first sight.

    She liked him at first, then she was crazy about him and started to stalk him, following from place to place, did all everything that she could so he could just notice her. Slowly all of the hard work that Jang NaRa had put in started to affect him and made him fall in love with her too. However, there was a bit of misunderstanding between the two that cause them to break up and lead to the interesting ending ....

    I had to give this movie 5 stars out of 5. This is the 1st movie that made me cry of laughing from the beginning untill the end. The movie is funny, the actor and the actress are cute, the story line is interesting, the music is very danceable and singalong, and the ending (EHHEHEHE) very SUPRISING!!!!! I would reconmend this to everyone who enjoy watching korean movie and loves to laugh until you cry. ENJOY!!!!


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