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 Заглавие: Link: Oh! My God 2 [K-Movie]
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Юни 01, 2009 6:02 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Май 10, 2006 9:11 am
Мнения: 3661
Местоположение: Sofia

    Oh! My God 2

  • ♠Title: Oh! My God 2
  • ♡A.K.A.: 구세주 Guseju 2
  • ♥Year: 2009
  • ♢Genre: Comedy
  • ♣Running time: 99 Min.
  • ♤Country: Korea
  • ♦Language: Korean
  • ♡Director: Song-jae Hwang

    • Seong-guk Choi
      Yeong-eun Lee
      Mun-suk Ahn
      Sang-ki Jo
      Hyeong-ja Kim
      Hyeon-ki Kim
      Hyeon-shik Lim
      Han-wi Lee

✡Official Site: http://blog.naver.com/9seju2
✡IMDb: http://www.asiandb.com/browse/movie_det ... ?code=6806
✡Hancinema: http://www.hancinema.net/korean_movie_O ... _God_2.php
✡Wiki: http://asianmediawiki.com/Oh!_My_God_2


In 2006 Oh! My God came out of nowhere to become a surprise box office hit. The raucous comedy returns to the big screen just as suddenly in 2009 for Oh! My God 2. Popular comedy actor Choi Sung Kook, a familiar face from movies like Sex is Zero and Master Kims, is back as philandering hero Im Jung Hwan, but this time his character is a taxi driver. Rising starlet Lee Young Eun (Summer Whispers) plays his sassy romantic counterpart, along with Ahn Moon Sook and Jo Sang Gi, who was also in Oh! My God. Directed by Hwang Seung Jae, Oh! My God 2 is every bit as funny and entertaining as its predecessor.

As heir to Korea's biggest taxi company, playboy Im Jung Hwan (Choi Sung Kook) spends money like water and stirs up trouble in droves. Life is totally great for Jung Hwan until his mother (Kim Hyung Ja) suddenly cracks down and takes away his money. What's more, she orders him to start driving a taxi to earn his keep! Jung Hwan, who's never worked a day in his life, can only comply, but he keeps angering his customers and even tries to put up his taxi as collateral for a loan. When Jung Hwan's first passenger, Eun Ji (Lee Young Eun), runs off without paying, it marks the fateful beginning of a bickering romance between the poor girl and the down-on-luck heir in disguise. But it's only a matter of time before Jung Hwan's old ways come creeping back!


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