Link: Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni [J-Drama]
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Автор:  lazeto [ Нед Май 17, 2009 8:54 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni [J-Drama]


Link: Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni [J-Drama]
Title (romaji): Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni...
Also known as: It was sudden, like a storm...
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 10
Producer: Yaguchi Hisao
Broadcast period: 2004-Jan-14 to 2004-Mar-17
Theme song:

Cast >
Esumi Makiko as Ogawa Kozue
Yamashita Tomohisa as Fukazawa Takuma
Yanagiba Toshiro as Ogawa Hideo
Miyaji Mao as Hayakawa Kaori
Kimura Tae as Ueshima Yukie
Kohashi Kenji as Sugiura Katsumi
Kato Takako as Ishikura Kiyoko
Katsuji Ryo as Kase Keisuke
Yamada Yu as Usui Kana
Ayase Haruka as Makino Saho
Hamada Mari as Yoshizawa Kazumi
Washio Machiko as Shoji Kyoko
Murasugi Seminosuke as Handa Takehiko
Inoue Jun as Kusumoto Toichiro
Shirakawa Yumi as Nakamura Hanae
Ryu Raita as Nakamura Kozo
Watanabe Noriko
Umishima Yuki (ep7)

Synopsis: Kozue Ogawa (Esumi Makiko) is a housewife and has been married to Hideo (Yanagiba Toshiro) for seven years. They don't have any children but as they live with her parents at their flower shop, everyday is still lively. She is happy with her life and her husband but she wonders if it is enough. From time to time, she is gripped by this doubt that she cannot raise with anyone.

Kozue starts a part-time job in the editing department of the magazine where she used to work. Her former colleague is now working hard as the editor-in-chief.

One rainy day, Kozue meets a young man. He is Takuma Fukazawa (Yamashita Tomohisa), a high school student. He seems somehow shrouded in sadness. He is a dance teacher. In the dance studio, there is just the two of them.

Takuma curls his hands around Kozue's body and his dance instruction begins. Their unexpected closeness causes Kozue to hesitate. With her heart pounding, she pushes Takuma's hands away and runs home. But the throbbing in her chest continues. It can't be. But what is this feeling?

Download Link:

1ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
2ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
3ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
4ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
5ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
6ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
7ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
8ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
9ep. ... 5D.avi.htm
10ep. ... 5D.avi.htm


Сериалче с Ямапи какво да кажа повече :ok:

Автор:  mori_no_hana [ Сря Май 20, 2009 8:29 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni [J-Drama]

Мерси за ъплоуда :rose: на тая драма отдавна съм й хвърлила око

Автор:  IneartheD [ Съб Ное 14, 2009 3:52 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni [J-Drama]

някой навит да го качи отново!? :baby:

Автор:  faifully [ Пон Фев 15, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni [J-Drama]

Дълго му се каних и ето най-сетне дойде и неговия ред-сега съм на 5 еп и страшно ми харесва(като за съжаление не виждам хепи енд,но това е присъщо за японците и може би в това им е очарованието на японските дорамички).Филмчето малко ми напомня на Majo no jouken,която беше и последната не разлигавена - без излишна-безкрайно дълга- та чак -дразнеща драматизация.Та въпреки че съм едва на средата мисля,че всички,който не са я гледали и се чудат как да си запълнат времето да я подхванат-не само защото участва ЯмаПи,въпреки че това си е огромен бонус,а защото наистина е приятна.
Което ме подсеща-ако може някой да поднови линковете,а не като мен да чака с часове торентите да се дръпнат :icecream:

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