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 Заглавие: Link: Koukou Kyoushi 2003 [J-Drama]
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Апр 05, 2009 5:40 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Май 21, 2007 12:22 pm
Мнения: 69

Kou Kou Kyoushi

* Title: 高校教師 2003
* Title (romaji): Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003
* Also known as: High School Teacher 2003
* Format: Renzoku
* Genre: School romance (controversial)
* Episodes: 11, 1 Special
* Viewership ratings: 10.8
* Broadcast network: TBS
* Broadcast period: 2003-Jan-10 to 2003-Mar-21
* Air time: Friday 22:00
* Theme song: Bokutachi no Shippai by Morita Doji
* Related shows: Kou Kou Kyoushi 1974 (TV Tokyo, 1974), Kou Kou Kyoushi (TBS, 1993)


Hina, a student at Nikko High School, goes out one evening with her classmate Beniko. They get split up and Hina ends up in a strange meeting with a man named Ikumi in a game arcade. The next day, Ikumi turns up as the new teacher at her school. Ikumi doesn't seem to recognize Hina but the wheels of fate are slowly moving to reunite them in what is a passionate story of forbidden love.
One of the main underlying themes of this drama is death. Another important theme is the struggle Hina and Ikumi have in trying to realize the difference between love and dependence... or is there a difference?
Not just a remake of the 1993 version; it takes place at the same school, but with different characters and situations.


* Fujiki Naohito as Koga Ikumi
* Ueto Aya as Machida Hina
* Sonim as Kudo Beniko
* Kyomoto Masaki as Fujimura Moroki
* Narimiya Hiroki as Kamiya Yuji
* Manabe Kaori as Tejima Emi
* Aoi Yu as Ezawa Mami
* Ohkura Koji as Muramotsu Tamotsu
* Mano Azusa as Tachibana Yuriko


1 Епизод
2 Епизод
3 Епизод
4 Епизод
5 Епизод
6 Епизод
7 Епизод
8 Епизод
9 Епизод
10 Епизод
11 Епизод


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