Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]
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Автор:  lazeto [ Пон Мар 30, 2009 7:52 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]


Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]
Release Date : August 8, 2006
Country : South Korea
Director : Je-yong Lee
Runtime : 111 Minutes
Genre: Comedy, Juvenile, Romance

Kim Ok-Bin,
Park Jin-Woo,
Lee Kyeon

Ji-Yeong Hong
Im Hye Jin - Poor Girl’s Mother
Byeol Kim - Bellflower
Eun-seong Lee - Two Eyes
Min-hyeok Lee - Anthony’s friend (pompadour)
Won-jong Lee - Big Razor Sis
Oh-jeong Nam - Vice-President Girl
Hye-won Park - Class Monitor
Geon Yu - Anthony’s friend - spiked hair

Synopsis: The conditions at No-Use-High are chaotic. Teachers are infected with venereal diseases by their students and the students themselves are so much entangled in their candy-like teenie-world, that they don't even bother trying to learn.
Among the students there is "Poor Girl" (Kim Ok-bin), who is living with her mother in a run-down little flat. She eventually decides to prostitute herself in order the free her mother at least a bit of her mountain of debt. However, she falls in love with rich guy Anthony (Park Jin-woo), who returned from Switzerland back to his home country. Anthony, on the other side, has an eye on "Cyclops"'s (Lee Kyeon) sister (Eun-seong). Unfortunately, she actually proves to be a guy! Still, Anthony's feelings for her/him don't change.
At the same time, some odd coincidences lead to "Poor Girl" being dragged into the home of a cult, where she is supposed to dance for them. There, one of her clients records her with his cell phone and soon "Poor Girl's dance" conquers the internet. Suddenly she is in the spotlight of everyone's interest. But not for long, as some of the students are desperately trying to find out why some of their female classmates turn into model students.

Download Link: ... ls.avi.htm ...

Автор:  Mizuki [ Нед Авг 16, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]

линковете не работят :tired: :?

Автор:  excape [ Пон Авг 17, 2009 12:12 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]

Не се ядосвай много, без това, поне за мен, филмът не струва, по-глупав филм не съм гледала от този, може и да има някакъв дълбок смисъл, ама аз да не съм го разбрала, за мен си беше чиста шитня.
Иначе, щом не можее да теглите през бг-шеъри и подобни, влез тук: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=16048&start=15, дала съм няколко линка, но се тегли през мегаъплоад, ако би е бавно, е, бавно е по-добре от нищо.

Автор:  hriskou [ Пон Авг 17, 2009 2:12 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]

Явно аз, за разлика от теб, се насладих на това филмче. Нищо особено, но ми хареса. Не ме питайте защо, просто ми хареса XD

Автор:  Mizuki [ Пон Авг 17, 2009 3:08 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]

е, щом няма много добри отзиви за филма няма
да бързам да го свалям ... :)

Автор:  hriskou [ Пон Авг 17, 2009 3:25 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Dasepo Naughty Girls [K-movie]

М ~~
Не, изтегли го ако можеш и прецени за себе си :>

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