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 Заглавие: Link: The Handsome Suit [J-Movie]
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 15, 2009 6:42 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Май 10, 2006 9:11 am
Мнения: 3661
Местоположение: Sofia

    The Handsome Suit

  • ♠Title: The Handsome Suit
  • ♡A.K.A.: ハンサム★スーツ
  • ♥Year: 2008
  • ♢Genre: Comedy
  • ♣Running time: 115 Min.
  • ♤Country: Japan
  • ♦Language: Japanese
  • ♥Director: Tsutomu Hanabusa

    • Masatô Ibu
      Hiroyuki Ikeuchi
      Keiko Kitagawa
      Kiyoshi Nakajo
      Yôichi Nukumizu
      Miyuki Oshima
      Mayumi Sada
      Nozomi Sasaki
      Shosuke Tanihara
      Brother Tom
      Muga Tsukaji
      Yusuke Yamamoto

✡Official Site:
✡IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/titlE/tt1279943/
✡Wiki: http://asianmediawiki.com/Handsome_Suit
✡Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6QVhcsNo74


The clothes make the man in the hilarious comedy The Handsome Suit, the first feature from commercial director Hanabusa Tsutomu. Based on a novel by Suzuki Osami, The Handsome Suit serves as a starring vehicle for slight and portly television comedian Tsukaji Muga from The Mamiya Brothers. Tanihara Shosuke (Lovely Complex) plays his handsome counterpart in a side-tickling self-parodying performance. Also co-starring The Mamiya Brothers's Kitagawa Keiko, The Handsome Suit loads in the visual and verbal gags for a laughing good time at the movies.

Diner owner Takuro (Tsukaji Muga) is the star in the kitchen with his fabulous cooking skills, but his below-average appearances make him a dud with the ladies. While renting a tux for his friend's wedding, Takuro ends up with a "handsome suit" that magically transforms him into a tall and dashing hunk (Tanihara Shosuke)! Suddenly, the world's at Takuro's feet as he becomes the hottest male model on the scene and the apple of every woman's eyes. But it's not so easy juggling two lives, especially when his suit keeps threatening to malfunction and reveal his true face.


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