Link: Winter Sonata [K-drama]
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Автор:  -_-Vanessa-_- [ Вто Авг 19, 2008 3:27 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Winter Sonata [K-drama]


Country: Korea
Genre: Drama
Release Year: 2002

* Bae Yong Joon as Kang Joon Sang / Lee Min Hyung (Jun Kang / Joseph Lee)
* Choi Ji Woo as Jung Yu-jin (Janice Jung)
* Park Yong Ha as Kim Sang-Hyuk (Raymond Kim)
* Park Sol Mi as Oh Che-lin (Charlene Oh)
* Lee Hye Eun as Jin Suk (Jinky Gong)
* Ryu Seung Soo as Yong Kuk (Rico Kwon)
* Jung Dong Hwan as Sang Hyuk's father
* Lee Hyo Chun as Sang Hyuk's mother
* Yoo Yul as Radio broadcaster
* Kim Hae Sook as Yu-jin's mother
* Song Ok Sook
* Lee Hye Young
* Kwon Hye Hyo
* Jung Woon Joong
* Jang Hang Sun

Winter Sonata is a tragic, but romantic drama that stars Choi Ji Woo as Jung Yu-Jin and Bae Yong Joon as Kang Jun-Sang. Jun-Sang transfers into a school in Chuncheon to look for his "dead? father. Through his extraordinary talents, he acquires thorough attention in his new school. Among them is a girl named Yu-Jin. Although she despises Jun-Sang's attitude at first, she realizes that she is truly in love with him. Despite their love, however, it suddenly ends one night as Jun-Sang involves in a terrible automobile accident. Jun-Sang dies and Yu-Jin falls into months of dark heartbrokenness. Ten years later, she is dating a man named Kim Sang-Hyuk and is about to get married. However on the engagement day, she sees a man that looks just like Jun-Sang. She runs after him but loses him. Could this be Jun-Sang?

*Episode 1,part1 part2 part3
*Episode 2
*Episode 3
*Episode 4
*Episode 5
*Episode 6
*Episode 7
*Episode 8
*Episode 9
*Episode 10
*Episode 11
*Episode 12
*Episode 13
*Episode 14
*Episode 15
*Episode 16
*Episode 17
*Episode 18
*Episode 19
*Episode 20 final

Линковете са към MU.Ако на някой му се занимава може да ги качи в bgshare или 4storing :roll:

Автор:  ukio [ Чет Авг 21, 2008 4:39 pm ]

Помня, че преди години доста често даваха видеото към песента на Ryu от Winter Sonata. Ето я.
Ryu From the Beginning Until Now mp3 - ... il_Now.mp3

Автор:  ukio [ Пет Авг 22, 2008 10:36 pm ]

Ще правят анимирана версия на Winter Sonata. Режисьорът на Oseam ще се захване с проекта. ... 73266.html

Автор:  leegalize_it [ Чет Авг 28, 2008 9:06 am ]

Bae Yong-Joon е избрал следващата си роля да бъде от мангата Kami no Shizuku

Автор:  zdzdz [ Пон Дек 08, 2008 5:18 pm ]



[Website][Trailer 1][Trailer 2]

Seiyuu : Yong Joon Bae as Joon Sang Kang / Min Hyung Lee

The story about two childhood friends, the tragedy and angst that befalls them and those around them in the years between high school and young adulthood. Based from a drama hit from Korea.

Автор:  salsuri [ Пон Яну 26, 2009 10:57 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Winter Sonata [K-drama]

Някой да има ОСТ, по-специално тази песен - One Fine Day by Shin Seung Hoon?

Автор:  geodimus [ Сря Яну 28, 2009 11:53 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Winter Sonata [K-drama]

Филмът, който ме накара да стана завинаги
почитател на корейското кино, и разбира се
на несравнимата 최지우 :!:

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