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 Заглавие: Link: Gojoe [J-Movie]
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Яну 03, 2008 8:25 am 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
~ Gojoe ~

Tadanobu Asano ... Shanao
Masatoshi Nagase ... Tetsukichi
Daisuke Ryu ... Benkei
Masakatsu Funaki ... Tankai
Jun Kunimura ... Suzaku-hougan
Urara Awata ... Asagiri
Genre: Action / History
Also Known As: Gojo reisenki: Gojoe
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English ( srt )
IMDB rating: 6.3

A sumptuous and at times super-charged swordplay fantasy, Gojoe puts the spin on one of Japan's most popular feudal legends: the battle at Kyoto's Gojoe Bridge.The basic storyline is simple: warriors of the Heike clan get their heads chopped off by an invisible force at Gojoe bridge. Benkei, a former Buddhist monk plagued by the demons of his own past, sets out to destroy the evil force that lurks at Gojoe, aided by his graverobbing sidekick Tetsukichi. They soon discover that the perpetrator is in fact a young warrior, a former Heike lord named Shanao, out for revenge against his own clan which ordered the death of his family.

All in all, Gojoe, with its roaring monster of a finale and brilliant score (partially by Ishii's own band Mach 1.67 which also provided the deafening soundtrack to Gojoe's companion piece Electric Dragon 80,000 V), is a refreshing re-invention of one of the stalwart genres in Japanese cinema, exhilarating and breathtakingly photographed. Full Review

Gojoe CD1 [BG-Share]
Subs CD1 [BG-Share]

Gojoe CD2 [BG-Share]
Subs CD2 [BG-Share]

Още малко Асано ^_^

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