Link: How To Keep My Love [K-Movie]
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Автор:  zdzdz [ Вто Май 29, 2007 6:59 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: How To Keep My Love [K-Movie]


How to Keep My Love - 내 남자의 로맨스

Also Known As: My Boyfriend's Romance / How To Keep My Love
Genre: Romance / Comedy
Starring: Kim Jeong-Eun, Kim Sang-Kyung, Oh Seung-Hyun
Director: Park Je-Hyeon
Runetime: 112mins
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English


Synopsis: This love triangle comedy, directed by Park Jehyeon, revolves around Hyeonju (Kim Jeongeun), a subway station worker that lives a dull workaday life and only looks forward to her sweet science-loving boyfriend of seven years, Sohun (Kim Sanggyeong). They are a virtual husband-and-wife pair: all that is left is a marriage proposal and certificate. But one day, as Sohun goes shopping at the department store for his boo, he ends up stuck in the elevator with the nation¡¯s most sought after actress, Dayeong (O Seunghyeon). She is amazed at Sohun¡¯s dedication to his work in that time of crisis; instead of panicking he is absorbed in observing a rare species of cockroach. Dayeong, attracted to him for his gentle and kind nature, deliberately signs an advertisement contract with Sohun¡¯s insecticide company just to get close to him. Only after the newspapers scandalize Dayeong and Sohun¡¯s meetings does Hyeonju realize that she needs to take action before she loses her man.

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Автор:  kirin [ Чет Сеп 18, 2008 4:03 pm ]

Не мисля, че "не беше зле" :lol: е добра препоръка за един филм. Имаше ли мн смях нямаше ли, само романтика ли имаше или и нещо по така? Битвин нещо линкът не работи :)

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