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 Заглавие: Link: Udon (2006)[J-Movie]
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Май 28, 2007 10:17 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Май 10, 2006 9:11 am
Мнения: 3661
Местоположение: Sofia

Udon - うどん

Year: 2006
Genre: [Food] Comedy
Runtime: 134mins.
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English, Japanese (VobSub)
Cast: Yusuke Santamaria, Manami Konishi
Directed: Katsuyuki Motohiro


Synopsis: Yusuke Santamaria and Manami Konishi star in this amazing film about soul food from the minds of the "Bayside Shakedown" team! Kosuke comes to hate small town life and moves to New York after a fight with his father. However, he meets frustration after frustration, and on the verge of ruin from loans decides to return back to his small town. But when he returns, he finds nothing has changed, his sister still worries about him, his father is still pounding away at noodles, his friends are the same, and there's still a bowl of udon waiting for him when he gets home. But once Kosuke learns to love udon, he finds a will and a way of his own! Premium edition includes two bonus discs (details subject to change).

:arrow: Movie CD1
:arrow: Movie CD2
:arrow: Subs-(.sub+.idx)
:arrow: Subs-(.srt)

~~От толкова удон чак лигите ми потекоха. :P Ама те като са го засърбали та чак пушек се вдига. Един фелм в който Nissan-ите се сменят като носни кърпички. :lol:~~

イヴァン - 이반
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