Link: Orange Days [J-Drama]
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Автор:  Sauron [ Нед Фев 25, 2007 6:49 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Orange Days [J-Drama]


Kai Yuuki (Satoshi Tsumabuki) is in his senior year at university studying social welfare psychology. At present, he is in the middle of job-hunting season. He is finding it difficult with no job offers so far.
One day, he meets a girl who is playing violin in the campus. She is Sae Hagio (Kou Shibasaki). In marked contrast to her beautiful tone and attractive looks, her personality is somewhat impertinent. And to top it off, she communicates through very vulgar sign language.
Four years ago, she lost the most important thing for a violinist - her hearing. As a result Sae closed off her inner self from the outside world.
Kai finds himself on a date with Sae, in place of his best friend. Unexpectedly, he comes into contact with Sae's private side.
Love, job-hunting, friendship... Setting a campus in spring as a dorama`s backdrop, it's the start of a glittering youth drama.

Дорамата е много добра. Ако знаех, че е толкова добра нямаше да ми стои на харда 7-8 месеца и да e на последното място в to_watch queue-то :) ... 9b.torrent

Автор:  ukio [ Сря Мар 28, 2007 6:46 pm ]

Сатоши Тсумабуки и Коу Шибасаки си партнират отново във филма "Dororo". Той излезе през януари 2007г. и е в стил Властелинът на пръстените. Правен е по известна манга.

Автор:  Sauron [ Сря Мар 28, 2007 7:27 pm ]

И как е филма? Гледал/а ли си го?

Автор:  ukio [ Сря Мар 28, 2007 7:32 pm ]

За съжаление още го няма никъде. Има само трейлър в youtube. Но мангата, по която е правен, е на Осаму Тецука.

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