Link: Kadenzza [J-metal] |
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Автор: | Mantzikert [ Съб Фев 24, 2007 12:07 am ] |
Заглавие: | Link: Kadenzza [J-metal] |
![]() ... naissance/ Според мен доста добър Японски Блек- метъл. |
Автор: | HollowMan [ Съб Фев 24, 2007 2:37 am ] |
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ми, като човек, който от доста време не се занимава сериозно с блек метъл, първото ми впечтление беше - прекалено симфонични. на моменти леко Gothic-like, although not quite... i guess i just prefer more "raw" black metal sound... [the early Dimmu for example...]. сори де, просто мнение... така или иначе сега ги чух за първи път... (а и просто когато става въпрос за подобен тип музика, групата първо се преценява като блек, и после като японска... т.е. напрактика напълно се абстрахирах от факта че са японци докато ги слушах, което може би е кофти, ама аз така или иначе не съм много запознат с японската блек метъл сцена, та ще ми е малко трудно да ги поставя в "общата картинка"... ) но като цяло радват. особено Mother Flesh... ![]() |
Автор: | GoDSmAcK [ Нед Фев 25, 2007 9:06 pm ] |
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Ей ся ше им метна едно ушо. *Смак кун си реше ушите и ги хвърля по членовете на бандата ![]() |
Автор: | Mika-chan 666 [ Сря Апр 25, 2007 6:55 pm ] |
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Мдам кефят ме,песничките са здрави :3 Офицалния им сайт : В галерията има доста диви картинки ![]() |
Автор: | Mantzikert [ Пет Май 11, 2007 11:11 am ] |
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Лириките Ghost In The Shell Can you see your own face? Yes, real, true yourself in the mirror is just false Bilateral symmetry could be made in your memory The existing reality is no more than fantasy. Don't you even know who you are? Don't you even know where you're from? Can't you hear you calling yourself From the shell of lead-gray The voice you've never heard, however it's just you. Don't you even know what's your name? Don't you even know why you live? Ghost in the shell, lost in hell To take your soul back beyond the deleted past Ghost in the shell, lost in hell We live as human, yes, warm blood we can feel. This world is like a masquerade Crazy dancing in slow death Rape your minds of innocence All of bodies are artificial, All of souls are over-written Ghost-hacked humans, you... What are you longing for The Embers of revive Every moment I feel your love you ought to know... every night you whisper in dream but you left me alone except my memories as the empty room is scented with you. I would believe in you it must not be a dream still wrecked mind everything reminds me of you. Even if you should be fake what would it matter for me? Waiting for you turn me on burning the embers of reverie of you. Have I been hacked my ghost? Was that the simulated past? Even so you're the one I can feel the embers of reverie I can see... I can hear... I can touch... I can't stand anymore... "Kadenzza Mother's Flesh lyrics" Relieve your thirst stave off your hunger what satisfy your desire is the very thing yes, it's mother's flesh and blood. My sword licks its lips up your body you will taste of my sword of lusts ready to do it no time to pray no way to escape no one to help you... Any happy childhood memories any touch of soft and warm mother's hands you have these memories no longer she is gonna be your flesh and blood. "Mother' I'm thirsty" "Drink some wine from the jar" "That's your mother's blood you're drinking" "Mother, a little bird in the chimney says I'm drinking your blood" "Throw your cloak at it" Having eaten the meat and drunk the blood, the little girl turned to her mother and said "I don't know why, but I'm very sleepy..." "Come over here and rest" The girl undressed and approached the bed... where her mother lay in a strange position... with a hood pulled over her face. "Mother, what big ears you have" "Mother, what big eyes you have" "Mother, what big claws you have" "Mother, what big teeth you have" Spouting warm blood I've been looking for your fresh heart still beating in my hand I suck your juicy brain from the skull your eyeballs stare into space at nothing. Ready for death no time to pray no way to escape no one to help you... Heaven loves hell hell needs heaven a fallen angel once has borne wolf a son that is me, a child of mixed blood. You only curse my fate, innate evil defile your purity with my original sin. I can suck the cock of your god I can fuck your sacred god... And then the wolf ate up little red riding hood... "Kadenzza The Abyss Stares At You lyrics" When you look into the abyss the abyss looks back into your soul every fear hides truth until the rest of life turns to dust. I'm the abyss... I'm all that remains breathing out slow death I'm always looking at you from a crack of the matrix. Dance in the source just like a puppet show descending your body shell into a light in black enter my dreamland... Welcome to this decadent world waste your life, live a lie intercourse, copulate with, breed like rats, eat yourself... I'm the architect of this world. In the woods Once upon a time, there was a little girl, who hadn't seen her mother in seven years. Her mother had dressed her in iron clothes, saying... "When you wear out these clothes, you may come to me" The little girl rubbed her clothes on the wall trying to tear them. Finally she did. She got some milk and bread... and a little cheese and butter... and set out for her mother's house. In the woods she met a wolf. He asked her what she was carrying. "Milk and bread, and a little cheese and butter" she answered. The wolf asked for some... but the girl said no, it was a present for her mother. The wolf asked whether she would take the path of pins or the path of needles... the girl said the path of pins... so the wolf hurried off down the path of needles... and ate up the little girl's mother. Finally, the little girl reached her mother's house. "Mother, unbar the door!" "Just push on it, it's not locked"... the wolf answered. But the door still wouldn't open, so that she crept in through a hole. "Mother, I'm hungry" "There's meat in the cupboard, eat some" It was the flesh of her mother, killed by the wolf... The Wolfoid Red eyes searching for your flesh and blood iron claws for tearing up white skin bloody fangs are ready for your first taste I'm the wolf incarnated as man. Dead or alive? You can't choose anything. Anguish and fear waiting for you're coming in hell. The sinful nectar dripping from your nasty lips aroused my hidden nature in the beast as man with screaming in the pleasure of sweet pain you're fated to conceive my child, you bitch! Dead or alive? You can't choose anything. The way to survive you must inherit my fate. I'm not man disguised as dog... I'm wolf disguised as man... society created me and finally denied the existence. But remember, the hunter only kills the wolf... it's in the fairy-tale world... Dead or alive? You can't choose anything. I dare to die to survive in the legend of terror. |
Автор: | AccJoRo [ Вто Мар 04, 2008 12:10 am ] |
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Вдигам темата,защото виждам,че има хора,който се интересуват от такъв тип музика и да седи отпред темичката да се вижда(не,че няма да се сетят да ползват търсачката ама за всеки случаи).Удобен момент да споделя впечатленията ми от проекта.Ами,че не е чист блек, не е,че избива на power,heavy,symhonic, избива.Хммм,това е може би най-лекия блек, който съм слушал някога.Но това няма никакво значение,защото не стига,че човека е правил всичко сам(от синтезатора до вокалите),ами е постигнал и един уникален звук,който го отличава от масата.Така че ще си спестя суперлативите.Ще кажа само,че ще допадне на хората,който харесват по-хаотичен звук.А вие,какво още ме четете?Марш да теглите! ![]() |
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