Заглавие: Munou na Nana | 無能なナナ
Тип: TV
Излъчване: 04.10.2020 до ?
Епизоди: 13
Жанр: contemporary fantasy, horror, school life, shounen
Производители: Bridge
AniDB MALРезюме:
It is the year 20XX. Earth was assaulted by monsters that would come to be known as "the Enemy of Humanity." In order to deal with this threat, special schools composed of teenagers with extraordinary abilities were formed. These people, who came to be known as "the Talented," had abilities that could defy the rules of reality.
Among these people with supernatural powers was an outlier, an individual who was sent to one of these schools despite having no innate special abilities whatsoever. This is the story of our protagonist, who attempts to defeat the Enemies of Humanity through the use of intelligence and manipulation alone.
Munou na Nana, първи епизод - приличен първи епизод с неочакван обрат накрая. Идеята зад заглавието е интересна, анимацията също е добра. Чудно ми е каква е историята на главната героиня и защо се е наела да изпълнява точно тази задача... За мен анимето стартира добре, важното е в каква посока ще се развие оттук нататък.