Заглавие: Saber Marionette R
Японско заглавие: SMガールズ セイバーマリオネットR
Тип: ОВА, 3 епизода
Година: 25.05.1995 ~ 25.09.1995
Жанрове: Action, Androids, Comedy, Coming of Age, Martial Arts, Mecha, Post-apocalyptic, Robot Helpers, Sci-Fi, Tragedy, Violence
anidbLate in century, due to the overpopulation on Earth, efforts at off-world colonization are made. Planet Japones is one of these new colonies, with an all-male society, where the only females are high-performance androids without emotions, called Marionettes. The Marionettes are used for combat, to perform menial labour, and as a replacement for the female population.
It has been 200 years since the Drifters landed on the planet, and the story begins in one of the city states, where Romarna — a clone of the current ruler — attempts to take the throne.
Заглавие: Saber Marionette J
Японско заглавие: セイバーマリオネットJ
Тип: ТВ серии, 25 епизода
Година: 01.10.1996 ~ 25.03.1997
Жанрове: Action, Androids, Comedy, Martial Arts, Mecha, Post-apocalyptic, Robot Helpers, Sci-Fi, Shounen
anidbLate in Earth Century due to overpopulation, efforts to colonization are made. However a mishap happens for a group of colonist early on for them in this story. This is a story of their legacy continuing their memories, living on a hostile planet of Pontais and Plasma with a relationship involving a love story that has gone wrong. Here in this world robots called Marionettes are used for fighting, completing menial labor and the replacement of the female population.

Заглавие: Saber Marionette J Again
Японско заглавие: またまたセイバーマリオネットJ
Тип: ОВА, 6 епизода
Година: 25.11.1997 ~ 25.06.1998
Жанрове: Action, Androids, Comedy, Martial Arts, Mecha, Post-apocalyptic, Robot Helpers, Romance, Sci-Fi
anidbLime, Cherry, and Bloodberry, female-like androids called marionettes, have returned to Otaru's side. The somewhat reformed marionettes of Faust (Tiger, Luchs, and Panther) are sent to stay with Otaru and friends to learn more about being human. Enter a seventh marionette named Marine, who has a mysterious power -- and they all possess the special maiden circuit that allows a marionette to feel emotions!

Заглавие: Saber Marionette J to X
Японско заглавие: セイバーマリオネットJ to X
Тип: ТВ серии, 25 епизода
Година: 06.10.1998 ~ 30.03.1999
Жанрове: Action, Androids, Angst, Comedy, Martial Arts, Mecha, Post-apocalyptic, Robot Helpers, Sci-Fi
anidbTaking place mere months after the Saber Marionette J OVA series, this newest installment in the Saber Marionette line follows the continuing adventures of Otaru and his clan of selfless, obsessive marionette girls. This time, the evil Faust is back, and again toying with Marionette technology that was never meant to be explored. The Saber Dolls are back, and torn between their newfound love for Otaru and their undying loyalty to Faust; Will Otaru, Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry be able to stop Faust again, or are they all headed for the scrap heap?