Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown VII - Кръг 1, Showdown 15
Публикувано на: Съб Май 03, 2014 11:13 pm
The No-Goodnick
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9845 Местоположение: PervTown
И така, ще почнем и да гласуваме. Както обикновено най-важния фактор е красота - гласувате за това, което намирате най-красиво. Гласуването ще е чрез анкета(надявам се да не се опитвате да манипулирате вота), от всеки кръг за следващия ще продължава по една участничка(събралата най-много гласове, съответно). Описанията не съм ги бърникал, оставил съм ги така както сте ги предложили. Опитал съм се да изманипулирам разпределенията, така че поне в първи кръг да не се срещат участнички предложени от един потребител(или иначе казано съм въртял по няколко пъти опцията за разпределяне по колонки на http://www.random.org/ докато не се получи такова разпределение, при което да ми изглежда като да няма такива съвпадения).
Гласуването ще трае до някой момент, желателно вечерта между 10ти и 11ти Май.
Как е протекъл до сега showdown-a, можете да намерите в темата за дискусии.
И така, тук са:
krish написа:
Kagari Ayaka [Witch Craft Works]
The School Chairman's daughter, Ayaka is the most popular student in school and a strong Fire Witch who has the ability to manipulate fire, she often goes ballistic when on the attack. Her legions of fans refer to her as "Princess," she belongs to a group of witches who were called the "Workshop Witches" which is a group of witches who establishes workshop or studios in every major cities to monitor and keep in check other witches who might use their powers for evil purposes. She is taller than Takamiya and she takes her mission of protecting him very seriously that she will not hesitate to go to any extent to keep him safe. She is also capable of fighting without the use of magic.
Al40po написа:
Re-l Mayer[Ergo Proxy]
Embodiment of the no-nonsense personality, 19-year old (as shown on her profile shown in episode 7) Inspector Re-l Mayer of the Citizen Intelligence Bureau is in charge of investigating a series of brutal murders apparently committed by AutoReivs infected with the Cogito virus. She is also the granddaughter of Donov Mayer, the Regent of Romdo. Given her privileged status, she expects respect from people around her, and speaks as such (she addresses Vincent as "o-mae"). Re-l accompanies Vincent on his journey in order to learn more about the mysterious Proxies, but having been living in comfortable conditions and being spoilt by Iggy all her life, she finds the "outdoor hiking" experience increasingly unbearable, and throws tantrums at both of them (often with comical effects). During the period that they get stranded without wind, she passes time by taking the both of them as study subjects. Her narration reveals her to be a very analytical person. Re-l is a young woman who wears black clothes, has black hair and is known for her blue eyeshadow. She eventually comes to share Vincent's feelings, but shows it subtly.
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - Кръг 1, Showdown 15
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