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 Заглавие: [MyFic]The education of Paddy O'Malley 18+ only
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 6:18 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Part 1 - ROXANNA and the VIRGIN

As a kid, I suppose I led a fairly sheltered life. The son of William F. O’Malley and Mary Ann K. O’Malley, I grew up in the northeast in a very traditional American-Irish Catholic family as the third of four children, and as the only boy. My oldest sister, Ann Marie, helped my mother with my younger sisters and me. She was very bossy and relished her role.

My second oldest sister, Mary Margaret (Margo), was the prototypical middle child. She wasn’t the oldest who was given extra responsibilities, and she wasn’t the youngest who received the doting adoration of everyone else. She just muddled along as the semi-forgotten child.

For me, I was the son, the anointed one, proud bearer of the name William in a long line of William O’Malley’s. As I had my father’s first and last name, quite naturally I carried my mother’s maiden name for my middle name, thus I was William Kilpatrick O’Malley. My family called me Paddy (from Kilpatrick) as Billy, Big Bill, Willy, etc., where rather overused. Of course at school, I was William to the Fathers and the Brothers, who where my teachers, and Billy (or some other disparaging nickname, like Donkey Dick) to all my friends.

Rachel Marie was my younger sister by about a year and a half. She was doted on by my father and was responsible for absolutely nothing other than getting herself dressed in the morning.

Naturally, we were raised as Catholics from the moment of conception, and we O’Malley children attended Catholic schools. I was taught from early on that women, my mother and sisters in particular, were akin to the Blessed Virgin (whom they we all named after) and were owed the utmost respect.

As was expected of a big lumbering kid, destined to carry on the bloodline of my forefathers, I played football from the time I was old enough to hold a ball. In elementary school and junior high, I was just chunky, but by the time I turned sixteen, I had taken on a solid build that is best described as a walking refrigerator. I was still lumbering, but damned near immovable and/or unstoppable and could pretty much steamroll over anyone who got in my way. As long as I had less than three other guys hanging on trying to take me down, I generally made forward progress toward my goal, the skinny QB of the enemy squad. If he scrambled, I couldn’t catch the bastard, but God help him if I got to him.

Being a gridiron warrior is supposed to imbue you with adoring chicks, but All Saints High School was an all-boys high school. There wasn’t any real reward for playing football except for the personal satisfaction that comes with competitive sports and the supportive adulation of my proud father. Everyone at All Saints played some sort of sport, it was required, and no sport was held above any other sport at All Saints.

It wasn’t until I was sixteen and a junior in high school before I had my first sexual experience with another person. Oh, I certainly masturbated a lot in the dark of the night or anywhere else I could relieve myself. It seemed that everyone at All Saints masturbated. It wasn’t at all uncommon to see three or four guys jerking off in the showers, having a contest to see who could shoot the most, the furthest, etc. No one thought too much of it and it didn’t carry any sort of negative stigma either. It was a sin, but all you had to do was make confession on Monday and your sin was forgiven. The worst that ever happened was that one of the Brothers caught you in the act; then you had to do an hour’s penitence.

Of course there were a few boys who, either rightly or wrongly, had reputations for homosexual activity, but I never directly experienced any of that. Oh, I had seen Ben Johnson giving blowjobs in the gym shower, but I never participated in that sort of thing. And there were a couple of Priests and/or Brothers whom everyone joked about. Word was you didn’t want to be caught in the gym shower alone with them, but I never saw any of that personally. Thinking back, I could see why. We all went to confession once a week. Most priests would just hear that you jacked off a dozen times in the past week and leave it at that, or heaven forbid, ate a hamburger last Friday. But there were other priests would ask me to describe in detail my sins of self-abuse. They would also pry and prod about other sexual sins as well, ostensibly in an attempt to deliver absolution and save me from an eternity in limbo.

I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but thinking back, it was really easy for a wayward priest to find a willing boy. Then they could have a like-minded priest absolve them of any sins they had committed with the boy; very convenient. It was certainly possible, but in all fairness, I never had firsthand knowledge that anything of that sort actually went on.

Yes, I had a sheltered life. I had a learner’s permit, and of course I didn’t have a car. I didn’t know of any girls, other than my sisters’ friends, and they were either too old for me to date or too young. That all changed when a football buddy of mine, Danny Wiley, asked me if I wanted to go to a party. He said it would mostly be kids from a public high school and that there would be some girls there. It was a Saturday night in late September and I had nothing better to do, so I tagged along.

Other than Danny, I didn’t know a soul there and he disappeared almost as soon as we got there. At the time I had absolutely no social skills when it came to the fairer sex. About the only things I could talk about were football, wrestling, differential equations and the Immaculate Conception. Nervous to a fault, I must’ve stuck out like a circus freak as I easily filled a doorway and no doubt looked like the lost boy that I was.

Out of the blue, this blue-eyed girl walks up, smiles sweetly and begins talking to me. Dressed in short pink skirt and a very low-cut and flimsy blouse, she certainly got my attention. She was only five foot three, and as I stood looking down at her, I couldn’t help but look down her blouse; my eyes drawn to her deep-fleshed cleavage and the gorgeous mounds at were just barely concealed. As far as I could tell, she was braless. On a girl her size, her breasts were nothing short of spectacular.

Her honey-brown curls just reached her shoulders, bouncing spring-like as she animatedly chatted. Laughing and giggling, she poked at me with a finger, testing the firmness of my muscles while she babbled on and told me how cute I was. I don’t think anyone had ever described me as cute before, but I was instantly smitten.

Next thing I knew, she was leading me over to a vacant spot on a sofa. I sat and she sat in my lap. Wrapping her arms about my neck (or where my neck is supposed to be) she proceeded to kiss me. Hell, I’d never even kissed a girl before, not like that! Somehow Mother Nature came to my aid and I took her dainty body in my oversized paws as I quickly learned firsthand the basics of swapping spit and sucking tongue.

I took an instant liking to smooching, especially when she pressed her firm tits into my chest and nibbled on my ear lobes, all the while squirming around in my lap. Much to my horror, the rubbing quickly got the best of me. Desperately I tried to will my swelling organ to stop inflating, but with no success. She broke off the kiss and sat back, running her hands across my broad chest. “God, you’re big,” she whispered huskily as she ground her ass into my raging hard-on.

In a near panic but thinking that she meant my physique, I replied, “Yeah, I know.”

The two girls sitting next to us jumped up and squealed as someone they knew had walked into the room. The girl seized the opportunity and pushed me back so that I was lying back on the sofa. She crawled on top giggling, straddling my leg and before I knew it, her thigh was pressing and pressing into my crotch, rubbing my stiff pecker and balls; not enough to hurt or anything, no, it sure didn’t hurt. Far from it!

Looking into my eyes from two inches away she said, “You know, my mama’s not home... she has a date tonight. Won’t be home until late, very late. Maybe not at all.”

This statement struck me as kind of odd. “Uh, okay. She’s not with your dad?”

“No! We haven’t seen him in years!” she said with unconcealed disgust.

“Uh, okay.” I sort of understood that, even though such a thing was unheard of within my Catholic community. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like not to have both Mom and Dad at home.


Like I said, I was naïve, naive to a fault. “Well, what?”

“You want to go?”

“Go where?”

“My house, silly!”

“Uh, I dunno. You’re not having fun here?”

“Are you for real?” she asked incredulously.

“Yeah, why?”

“It’s noisy, stuffy and boring here.” Rubbing a little harder with her thigh she added, “ There’s no privacy.” She had a point there, but her true meaning still went over my head. I was having a good time right where I was. “Come on, we can walk. I only live two blocks from here,” she said brightly. Standing she took me by the hand.

Like a puppy on a leash, she lead me out of the party house and out onto the moonlit sidewalk. It was nice getting outside as the cigarette smoke was getting to me. She wasn’t saying anything and I certainly didn’t have a clue what to say, so we walked along in silence for several minutes.

“By the way, what’s your name, big guy?”

“Uh, Bill. Bill O’Malley.”

“Well, Bill O’Malley, I’m Roxanna.”

“Pleased to meet you, Roxanna,” I muttered.

“So you go to school at… ?”

“All Saints.”

“No wonder I’ve never seen you around. Oh God, this is so perfect!”


“You, silly!”


“Well, I just transferred into Madison High, and I don’t want everyone thinking that I’m a slut or something. You think I’m a slut?”

I didn’t know what to say, so I stammered, “Uh, no, not at all, I, uh!”

“Well, I am!” she laughed. “I just don’t want everyone knowing that. Not yet at least.”

I was completely dumbfounded. My instinct was to defend her honor, even from herself. “You’re not a …!” I couldn’t even bring myself to say “slut”, not to a girl. I certainly knew the word, but had never associated a real person with the disparaging term. In my limited experience, all girls were like my sisters, pure in thought and body. Certainly nothing sexual ever occupied their minds. Boys did that, but not girls, or so I thought.

“Here we are,” she gushed as she pulled me along up the walkway through the overgrown lawn. Extracting a key from her handbag, she opened the door of a very modest house. Even though it was in the same general neighborhood as the party house, it was smaller, much smaller. The furnishings were worn, but otherwise the home was fairly neat, except for a pile of dirty laundry.

Kicking off her rhinestone studded flip-flops; she closed the door behind her. Roxanna shouted out, “Mom! Mom!” There was no answer. “See, I told you she was gone!” she gushed.

To be alone, with a girl, at night in a house without a chaperon, was a new experience for me. I listened intently, but could hear absolutely nothing but an eerie deafening silence. I don’t think my house was ever that quiet.

We were still standing by the front door, no more than one step into the house. Boldly she grasped me in the crotch. I nearly jumped through the ceiling.

“God, you’re big even when you’re soft!” she declared as she molested me.

Speechless and afraid to make any move at all, I anxiously watched as she unbuckled my jeans and opened my fly. Moments later, I felt her cool hand worm inside my boxers.

“Holy shit!” I hissed as she wrapped her fingers around the hot turgid shaft of my swelling manhood. The feeling was incredibly exquisite. Except for myself, no one had ever touched or played with my dick before.

“You like that?” she purred. I couldn’t say a word. “You don’t like girls? You seem to like girls.”

“No, I mean, yes,” I croaked. “I I like girls.”

“Good! I like boys and gee you’re a really big boy. Whatcha say if get a little more comfortable?” To my dismay, she withdrew her hand. I thought it was all over. Instead, she yanked my jeans down.

Now I was naive, not stupid, and the message was loud and clear. I had heard about such things, but regarded them as fiction. I kicked off my sneakers and shimmed out of my jeans, taking my boxers with them. While I was bent over, she pulled my t-shirt up and over my head. Within seconds, I was naked.

“You forgot your socks,” she giggled.

Bending over to remove the offending white socks, I suddenly became very self-conscious of my nudity before this girl. Bent over, I half expected some clown to goose me in the butt like I was at school. That didn’t happen, but no girl had ever seen me naked before, except for the one time that Rachel, my youngest sister, barged in on me in the bathroom. She screamed and ran away. I got into big trouble for that because I had forgotten to lock the bathroom door. True, this was different, but still.

Standing upright, I felt faint. Keenly aware of my jutting pecker, I felt my face flush as embarrassment set in. God, I wanted to run away, or at least cover myself with a towel, but there was nowhere to run and no towel available. Making do the best I could, I covered my wayward nine-inch boner with my hands.

Roxanna’s eyes rose from my crotch to my face. Seeing me wide-eyed and blushing furiously, she burst out in giggles. “Oh, my gawd! You’re so cute! Look at you! I promise, Billy, I won’t bite.” Coyly she cocked her head and added teasingly, “I’ll lick maybe, but I won’t bite. Now, be a good boy. C’mon, put your hands down for Christ’s sake!”

Slowly, with trembling hands, I revealed my most private parts. “Mmmm, that’s better,” she purred. Inspecting my fully erect penis she whispered, “Jesus!” Soon the wondrous feeling of her cool, soft hand on my log-like dick returned. “You like that?” she asked huskily.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“I think you have the best dick I’ve ever seen,” she offered. “Well, at least the biggest dick I’ve never seen! Oh, my, gawd! I can hardly get my hand around it! Say, how old are you anyway?”


“I thought only grown men had cocks like this, not that I’ve ever seen one, mind you.” She gently stroked me with a light touch before delivering another bombshell. “You ever fuck a girl before?”

The directness of her question shocked me. And the language! I never said the F-word except with the guys. Embarrassed now from my total inexperience with girls, I meekly replied, “Uh, no.”

With deliberate slowness she replied, “You are kidding me.” Then caressing the weeping tip she added, “With a dick like this?” Then she delivered the knockout. “Ever had a girl suck you?”

From locker room talk, I sort of knew of such a thing. Mostly about queers, like Ben Johnson or one of the other effeminate boys at school, but I never actually believed that a girl would actually put a guy’s dick in her mouth. “No,” I squeaked.

Giving me a squeeze and a tug she asked with a chuckle, “You mean to tell me that I’ve scored a virgin? Oh, my gawd! This is too good!”

A silence fell between us as she concentrated on lovingly caressing my cock. “Well, Bill O’Malley,” she said with a voice dripping with desire, “if you don’t mind, I’d like to be the first.” Then she sank to her knees. Looking up at me, with my cock in her grasp, she narrowed the distance between her lips and the head of my dick. She grinned and then licked at the tip of my cock.

My heart was racing and my breathing was ragged as she licked all over my cock and fondled my balls. Never had anything felt so wickedly divine before. After taking a slow lick up the sensitive underside of my shaft, she zeroed in on my glans, smearing my pre-cum mixed with her saliva around the smooth bulb. Pursing her lips, she kissed the tip and then slowly slid her sweet lips over the wide flared head.

She was just getting started, but I reached an abrupt climax. With a groan, my knees nearly buckled and my eyesight faded as my youthful sperm-laden semen uncontrollably shot through my dick and into her mouth. Surprised by the pre-mature ejaculation, she pulled away and took the next spurt directly in her face. Then to my utter amazement, she again sealed her mouth over my glans, capturing my surging essence until my cock stopped pulsating.

I didn’t know it at the moment, but she was swallowing my semen as fast as I was delivering it. She let her lips slide off my pecker-crown and smiled up at me dreamy eyed. “You taste good,” she said. “Very good.” Then with a not-so-innocent giggle, she added, “I’ll think I’ll have to keep you.” Then she engulfed the head of my dick again, taking as much of my cock as she could stuff into her mouth. I expected that I’d just go soft after cumming, just like when I beat off, but she kept me hard as she gobbled and sucked my dick. I was so sensitive after cumming that I jerked about and danced on my toes as she continued to lave over my tingling dick.

It was at that moment that I was knocked forward as the front door suddenly swung open, hitting me in the back. Caught totally unawares and off balance, I lurched forward, toppling over Roxanna, doing my best not to crush her. With a resounding thud I hit the hardwood floor. Before I could recover, I heard Roxanna exclaim, “Mom!”

“Oh, my god!” said a woman’s voice filled with surprise.

I turned and to my horror, there stood a nice looking woman and a well-dressed man. She looked to be rather young, maybe thirty and I’d never laid eyes on her before, but there was no doubt in my mind as to who she was. Caught red handed with my pants down, my stomach knotted up. I felt sick and I wanted to vomit.

The woman had a hand to her mouth, but the man was merely grinning ear to ear. Shame filled me as lay sprawled out in my total nakedness. How would I ever explain this to my dad, much less to my mom? I’d be grounded for life! And the Fathers! I’d be doing penitence, kneeling in sharp gravel, working the Rosary and saying Hail Marys eight hours a day for a month or more. In my mind I could hear my schoolmates snickering at me as they went about their school day while I struggled to save my soul! Life as I knew it was over.

The man spoke first. Barely containing himself, he quipped, “Beth, looks like we interrupted something! Say little girl, what’s that on your face?”

Openly laughing, he then turned to Roxanna’s mother and said, “C’mon Baby, let’s give them some privacy. We’ll go fuck at my place tonight and they can fuck here.”

“Harold!” admonished the mother.

Turning to me he said, “Hey kid. If you want to fuck that girl good and proper, you gotta get her naked too.”

“Harold!” protested the woman again.

“Well, he can’t fuck her if she’s fully dressed!” he quipped. Then he added, “You’ve got to at least get her panties off, kid, but bare tits are fun too.”

“Please!” pleaded the mother.

“Okay, Bethany, c’mon,” he said as he began pulling the mother out the door.

“Harold, I can’t!”

“Beth, you can’t stop her, so forget about it. She likes it. You know, she’s just like her mother... a cock slut,” he said with a laugh. “Now let’s get going and let them have their fun.”

“Harold, I just can’t!”

“Hush woman!” he countered pulling the mother through the door. He put his head back through the told and told us, “We won’t be back tonight kids, so you two have fun.” He started to leave again, but paused a moment before observing with a lecherous grin, “You know girl, with that thing of his, that boy’s gonna really stretch that sweet young pussy of yours.” Adjusting his stiffening cock and he added, “I’d stay and watch but that’d be contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

From the open door I heard the mother say, “For heaven’s sake! That’s enough, Harold! If we’re gonna go, let’s go.” With that Harold waved goodbye and closed the door behind him.

I was still on the floor, flat on my back. My once proud organ hung loosely across my thigh. Shock and horror had been replaced with shock and disbelief. In a twinkling of an eye, I had gone from being dead meat to having the green light to wantonly fornicate with this girl. From her mother no less! As I grappled with the unexpected turns of events, Roxanna rose from the floor.

“That was a rush!” she declared with a cheeky grin. “I’m sure glad Harold was with Mom tonight. He knows how to handle her.”

“How’s that?”

“On her back,” she quipped as she pulled her flimsy blouse over her head revealing the most fantastic sight my young eyes had ever beheld. Her breasts stood out prominently from her chest like two rounded peaks separated by a broad valley. Each luscious tit was capped with a thick dusky-red nipple and surrounded by a quarter-sized areola. I knew girls had tits, my sisters all had tits, as did my mom, but I’d never seen a bare tit except in the occasional Playboy someone snuck into school or in the occasional issue of National Geographic at the public library. This was different! This was real! There before me were the magnificent round orbs of jiggling tit flesh of a real live girl.

Mesmerized by the visual feast, I felt my cock hardening, slowly rising from my thigh. Her hands went to the button of her skirt. Deftly she popped it open. Mercilessly teasing me, she posed repeatedly, turning this way and that, smiling with eyes that beckoned copulation. Then with deliberate slowness, she unzipped herself. Again she struck several poses, this time hefting her boobs and offering them to me.

With the skirt unzipped she let it go. It stayed put at first, but she began wiggling her hips. The skirt inched down her hips until a critical point was reached. From there gravity did the rest. Clad only in a tiny pair of black panties, she again pirouetted and posed. Her waist curved inward in a gorgeous arc and gracefully curved out again to wide hips.

Wide-eyed with unconcealed lust, I watched still prone on the floor, as she rolled the panties down and then playfully kicked them off into a corner. I sucked in my breath as the first pussy I’d ever seen came into view. Her mound was covered in a light downy covering of light honey-brown pubic hair. My dick achingly throbbed as she turned to give me a view of her smoothly rounded buttocks.

Standing and straddling me, I was treated to a sight that I’d never seen or imagined before, a woman’s sex, the puffy mounds of her vulva and the dewy slit that hid her true treasures. After giving me a few moments to feast my virgin eyes, she sat on my chest, leaning back slightly while supporting her arms on my hips, making her tits even more prominent on her small frame.

“Having fun?” she asked playfully. “Or would you rather be at that party?”

“Uh, I’m having fun! Trust me. I’m loving this.”

“Good, because I like lovin’.” Leaning forward, Roxanna placed her tits within easy reach. With a mind of their own, my hands rose to the rounded mounds of soft tit flesh for the first time. Cupping both fleshy pliant globes, the nipples hardened against my palm as I massaged her tits in slow circles. Soon I was lost in the exquisite task of kneading, squeezing and pressing her ripe womanly orbs.

Leaning forward further still, she placed her hands to either side of my head and lowered a stiff nipple to my virgin lips. Without hesitation, I attacked the offered nipple with my mouth.

“Oh, yes, Billy,” she moaned as I brought her points up to a sharper peak. “That’s right, use your tongue. Easy! That feels so good, Billy, real good.” I opened as wide as I could and tried to enclose the entire fleshy mound with the warm moist oval of my mouth. Like me, she was more than a mouthful, and soon I was simply concentrating on her nipple.

I guess I got carried away sucking tit, because she suddenly lurched backwards, pulling her breasts safely out the clutches of my voracious mouth. She rubbed the tit I had been suckling and gnawing on. The nipple was now a bright red and raw looking. With her new position, her glistening cunt was now splayed open a mere few inches from my face. Without any instruction and acting on instinct only, my hands trailed off her waist, down her hips and down her thighs. Reversing direction, my hands made a beeline up her inner thighs.

She smiled sweetly at me while I clumsily poked and prodded between the wet folds. It was all so new, so mysterious. I got a little too rough a little too quick and she grasped my hand. “Rub me here,” she instructed as she held my hand over her vulva. I rubbed and massaged as instructed. Soon she had me rubbing her a little higher. I didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing, but she knew what she wanted and that was some indirect stimulation of her clit. Watching her expression, I took my cues from her. Soon, I was sliding my finger in her slippery trench, discovering her inner folds and the odd little bump of her clit as well as the gates of heaven on earth. Gently instructing me as to what to do, she had me alternately pressing at the side of the little bump and then swirling around it.

With eyes ablaze with passion, she suddenly rose up, scooting back. Grasping my thick cock in her hand, she directed it to the maw of her eager vagina. I don’t think I’ve ever been as excited as at that moment. This was it! This was the moment we all talked about at school.

As soon as the head of my dick began opening her labia, I felt my balls starting to boil again. Pressing down, Roxanna gasped as my broad cock head opened her up. I gasped too, but at the feel of her hot wet pussy lips sliding over my glans. I struggled to contain the mounting flood, but she pressed down again. She was so tight, so small, and I was so big, I didn’t think that I could get anymore cock into her. Then she started shaking. To me it appeared that she was in terrible agony the way her face was all twisted up and the way her eyes rolled up into the back of head. Trembling and jerking all over, she pressed down again. Miraculously, I felt my cock slide ever deeper into her. At that point, I couldn’t hold back any longer and in an incredible rush, I cried out as my lava erupted into her welcoming cunt.

Roxanna was thrashing about on my spouting pole with her eyes tightly shut. I had a grip on her hips and pulled her down. With inches to spare, I was all the way into her so that my cock head was pressing firmly against her cervix, my sperm shooting directly into her womb.

Suddenly she lurched forward, flopping down on my heaving chest. I still held her hips, so she wasn’t going anywhere.

I don’t have any idea how long we lay there, with me clutching her hips and Roxanna holding me about the shoulders, but other than panting and involuntary twitching, neither of us moved for what seemed a long time. It probably was only a minute, but at the time it seemed like longer, gloriously longer.

I was the first to come to my senses. The first thing I noticed was the wetness spreading over my testicles. As aroused and excited as before, I found that I was still very erect, softened up some, but still erect, the result of the prowess that only teenage boy-men seem to possess. My cock was in total control of my brain. It told me to roll over with her and fuck the ever-living hell out her. The courteous, considerate side of me said that I would hurt her if I did that on the bare hardwood floor, so compromising between my newly awakened libido and my conscious aversion of hurting her in any way, I sat upright. She couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds, so it was no problem rising up on my feet with her impaled on my dick.

Roxanna groaned as my nearly erect cock pushed harder against her cervix, and I must admit if I hadn’t softened up some, it would have probably hurt me too. Holding her by her ass, I lifted some of her weight off my dick while she held on to me. Then I waddled off, in search of a softer place to fuck.

Roxanna moaned, “Oh, my gawd!” as I made my way down the short hallway to the first open doorway that I could find. The walking motion caused my dick to grind around in her pussy and the stimulation brought on a resurgence of blood to fill my cock.

Entering the room with the opened doorway, I flicked on the overhead light, discovering a bed, a big bed. My next dilemma was how to lay her down, without falling on top of her. One option that was immediately dismissed was taking her off my cock. The obvious solution was to sit down first and then roll her over, but that never crossed my mind. Instead, I stepped up onto the bed, hitting my head on the overhead light fixture in the process. Fortunately I didn’t break anything. Then I sank to my knees and gently lowered her to the mattress.

From there my cock instinctively knew what I should do. Maintaining my weight off her petit body with my arms locked and her heels digging into my rump, my hips began to pump. Having no concept of thrusting technique other than a very basic in-and-out, I got to it, fucking as much dick into her as she could take. Knowing that I wouldn’t be battering her against the hard floor, my libido was now free to take full charge. The concept that I could hurt her with my dick never was considered. I was in heaven, fucking my first girl, really fucking her and that was all that mattered.

Having already cum twice at that point, my balls were fairly drained so there was no danger of me cumming anytime soon. She hollered a lot while I pummeled her puss, but that just excited me even more. I watched her head swiveling back and forth from one side to the other, until her hair obscured her features. Then I watched her tits sloshing about like Jell-O-filled bags. At some point I looked up and there we were, reflected in a big mirror at the head of the bed. That was even better, watching us as we fucked.

With a jackhammer-like pace, I fucked her. It was my first ever fuck and I probably never varied the length or speed of my thrusts the entire time. Eventually, I heard her pleading, “Stop! Stop! Please stop, will ya?” while she beat about my lats. I heard her, but through the fog of lust it didn’t register, so kept up my punishing pace. Finally, she managed to bite my wrist. That got my attention. Finally her pleas registered with me and I stopped.

“Damn! You trying to kill me?” she said exasperated. I pumped again. “Will ya stop for a minute?” she cried. “Jesus!”

I was definitely loath to extract my cock from the best place it had ever been. So I merely stopped thrusting hoping that I could resume in a moment.

“Get off, please?”

Complying with her request, I withdrew with a great sloppy sucking sound and moved off to the side.

“Are you okay?” I asked sincerely.

“Damn! That was incredible!”

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“God, no! You were fantastic! But I was getting a cramp in my leg. We need to change position every so often, ya know.”

“Oh, okay,” I agreed having nary a clue as to what other positions were possible.

Roxanna rubbed her thigh. Then with a broad smile, she got up on all fours facing the mirror at the head of the bed. Now I had seen dogs doing it out in schoolyard before and I had a pretty good idea of what to do. Positioning myself behind her, our eyes met in the mirror.

She pushed back, but my aim was way off as my dick slid between her legs. Nestling into her cunt for another try, I slid into her. With the most serene look I’d ever seen, she closed her eyes as I began to thrust.

“Take it slower, will ya,” she requested. “You don’t have to do it so hard.” I slowed down. Then with a giggle she added, “At least you don’t have to do it so hard all the time.”

What followed was a leisurely fuck. Unhurried, I took time to enjoy the feeling of my cock sliding in and out with each and every thrust and took the time to notice the lurid sounds whenever I briefly pulled out. That was better, at first, but then the pace heated up. The sight of her tits swaying and her buttocks quaking as I slammed into her excited me greatly. Soon, I was wildly fucking her again and she was carrying on like an alley cat.

It all got to me, and my balls began boiling again. My cock began to throb and bellowing like a wounded beast, I shot another, smaller load of my virile juice into her cunt.

When my pleasure began to ebb, I rocked back, decoupling and fell exhausted to the side. Drained of my stamina, I felt like I had just finished a grueling three-hour practice... only better, much better.

I was back at All Saints in a classroom. For some reason we had never dressed after gym, so we were all naked, including Father Brennan. Ben Johnson was sitting next to me. Father Brennan said something to me about relaxing. The desk melded into a bench as I lay back staring up at the florescent light fixture as Ben started playing with my cock while the entire class watched. With a start, I woke up. The light glaring in my eyes wasn’t a florescent light and it confused me. Thankfully the hand caressing my limp member wasn’t Ben’s hand either.

“Welcome back,” Roxanna greeted with a smile. “Is my big boy sleepy?”

“Uh, sorry,” I muttered, not knowing how long I’d been asleep.

“You guys are all alike,” she said with a mock frown. “You finish with a girl and then you just roll over and take a nap.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to."

“So now you have to make it up to me,” she impishly declared. Letting my dick go, she swung around and lowered her pussy to my face. I didn’t know whether to push her away or pull her to me. I opted for a passive option and just let her grind her sloppy cunt into my face. Her hips began moving and pretty soon I got the idea that she wanted me to lick her. At first the idea made me rather squeamish, as I’d never even tasted my own cum and her odor was somewhat pungent. Still, I found that smell, the smell of freshly fucked and aroused pussy, to be very alluring. And the taste, the taste of carnality, that was a taste to be savored and remembered.

I began digging my tongue into her juicy slit and exploring her secrets, oblivious to just what juices I was lapping up . She in turn, took my soft cock into her mouth, slurping the entire thing in and then letting it slip out. Again, I really didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing, but I was certainly enjoying myself. We went at like that for several minutes. I suppose she wasn’t really getting what she wanted and suddenly she rolled off.

“I hear that the way to man’s heart is through his stomach,” she flippantly stated. “Are you hungry?”

I wasn’t at all sure how we had gotten there, but with the mention of food, the hunger receptors in my brain kicked in and my stomach began to growl. A few minutes later, we were in the kitchen. I watched with growing ardor as she flitted about, fixing me a sandwich in the buff. Roxanna was truly one of God’s finest creations.

With amusement twinkling in her eyes, she watched as I inhaled the sandwich and chips and guzzled a Coke, all the while never taking my eyes of her nubile charms. Having fed me, she cleared the table and began working at the sink. Definitely I was at odds as to my favorite view, frontal with her generous tits or from the back with that shapely ass of hers. It was all good, and I was one lucky boy.

She finished but remained standing at the sink, supporting herself with the countertop. Stepping back slightly, she took a wide stance, spreading her legs. Looking over her shoulder at me dumbly sitting and starring, she said, “Billy. Do me a favor?”

“Sure. Anything,” I gushed.

“Then fuck me!”

I starred at her dumbly for a moment.

“C’mon, Billy. I want to feel that big dick of yours in my pussy again,” she said huskily.

I wasn’t at all sure how this was going to work, but my cock was certainly had the same thing in mind as she did. Approaching her as she slowly rotated her hips seductively, my hands found her firm buttocks. I could have spent hours just rubbing her butt, however, I knew that this wasn’t the time. My hands slid up her hips and as I cupped her tits, I nestled my cock into the cleft of her callipygian orbs. Reaching back she guided me into the heavenly embrace of her vagina.

Abruptly jabbing my cock fully into her with the first trust, I nearly knocked her against the countertop.

“Easy!” she yelped. I eased out and began fucking her, smoothly and gently. “That’s better, Billy. Much better. Oooo, that feels so wonderful… I just love the feel of your big dick in my little pussy.” Thus began our second screw session of the night. She showed me things I’d never imagined before, like doing it on the kitchen table with her bent over, doing her sitting on the countertop with her legs lewdly splayed open, doing it over the arm of the living room sofa, doing it sitting on the sofa while she straddled me, doing it on the hard floor with me on bottom again, doing it, doing it and doing it.

During this prolonged fuck-a-thon, I must have battered her cervix into total submission. She no longer complained occasionally that I was being too rough and was fucking my entire nine-inches of thick meat into her with ease. She did mention several times just how deep I was penetrating her. Hell, I didn’t know.

I lost complete track of time and when we finally took another break from fucking and sucking, I realized I was in deep shit. It was just past midnight. My drop-dead curfew was set in stone at 11:30 PM. No doubt Danny had given up looking for me and had probably gone home. I thought to call him, but then thought better of it as my parents didn’t allow us kids to ever use the phone after 10 PM, and I assumed that his dad was the same way.

Roxanna saw how distressed I was. “What’s the matter, Billy?” she said while fondling my balls.

“I’m dead meat,” I replied.

“How come?”

“I was supposed to be home at 11:30. My dad’s gonna kill me.”

“You have to leave?”

“I don’t have a ride. Danny has an 11:30 curfew also. Everyone at All Saints has an 11:30 curfew.”

“You didn’t drive yourself to the party?”

“I don’t have my license yet. Oh shit, I’ll never get my license now! I’ll never even get of the house ever again!”

“Your parents are that strict?”

“Yeah, and then some.”


I considered catching a bus, but I knew the last bus on my line would leave the transfer station in about fifteen minutes. No way could I make that bus. I was stuck!

She saw how genuinely distressed I was and the effect that it had on my once invincible and ever stiff cock, now completely limp and useless. Toying some more with my balls, she came up with a plan. “You know, Billy, there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t get home until the morning, so try not to be so upset.” Planting a wet open-mouthed kiss on the spongy head of my soft pecker, she revealed her plan. “Tell you what, why don’t you spend the night. Here with me. In the morning, when you get home, just tell your folks that you fell asleep.”

“They’ll never believe me!”

“Well, it will sort of be the truth. Remember, you did fall asleep.”

“Yeah, I did,” I replied grasping at straws. It wasn’t any sort of real plan, but it was far better than anything I could come up with at the moment. Besides it was a cold hard fact that I couldn’t catch a bus home until sometime in the morning.

Kissing my cock again, she said, “Since you’re going to be dead tomorrow, why not try and enjoy yourself the rest of the night?”

That made some sense. My fate was sealed. I resigned myself to no future until I was at least twenty. Realizing that I would never again be allowed out of the house, I lay back, put my parents out of my mind and enjoyed yet another quality dick sucking.

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МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 8:28 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Окт 12, 2008 11:21 pm
Мнения: 92
Местоположение: In Silent Hill, in the Grand Line's TOKYO-3 city... in the 3-4 Oonizuka's classroom...
Защо... Защо за бога?? А?


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МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 8:38 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Фев 11, 2007 6:28 pm
Мнения: 1005
Местоположение: pwnland Occupation:WRYYYYYY
За да боли как защо :( :(

МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 9:02 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Дайте малко резон що не го харесвате. Аре аре поемам критика.

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МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 9:16 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Фев 29, 2008 11:53 pm
Мнения: 2023
Местоположение: ~Островът насред Лунното езеро.~
Ти българин ли си? На български да пишеш не можеш ли? Толкова ли е отвратителен родния ни език, че предпочиташ да пишеш на друг? Няма да коментирам повече.

МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 9:23 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Мар 27, 2006 5:33 pm
Мнения: 2424
Местоположение: София
haku_chan написа:
Ти българин ли си? На български да пишеш не можеш ли? Толкова ли е отвратителен родния ни език, че предпочиташ да пишеш на друг? Няма да коментирам повече.

Ми понякога е по интересно да е на английски.....Що на вас толкова ли ви е трудно да го прочетете ? Толкова ли е гаден английският език...
На мен просто ми е скучно това писание..Няма да критикувам защото не пиша разкази и немога да критикувам :)

МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 9:48 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Юни 09, 2008 9:14 pm
Мнения: 1250

Shadowcat написа:
Ние сме с тирета!
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 10:33 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Окт 10, 2005 4:25 pm
Мнения: 2545
Има си правило за анкетите ;)

Louise - mein Herz
Jetzt komm zur Ruh
Mit meinen Tränen decken wir uns zu,
Ich und du...
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 10:50 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Nimeria написа:
Има си правило за анкетите ;)

Найш ко? Я земи да локнеш темата 'шот очевидно никой не оценява моят гений. И ако обичаш падни по дръб и си обели носа.

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 11:08 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Окт 12, 2008 11:21 pm
Мнения: 92
Местоположение: In Silent Hill, in the Grand Line's TOKYO-3 city... in the 3-4 Oonizuka's classroom...
oh lol

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МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 11:13 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Окт 10, 2005 4:25 pm
Мнения: 2545
Telemah написа:
Nimeria написа:
Има си правило за анкетите ;)

Найш ко? Я земи да локнеш темата 'шот очевидно никой не оценява моят гений. И ако обичаш падни по дръб и си обели носа.

Лол ^^ Butthurt ?

Louise - mein Herz
Jetzt komm zur Ruh
Mit meinen Tränen decken wir uns zu,
Ich und du...
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 11:35 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Яну 04, 2007 10:01 pm
Мнения: 2739
Местоположение: Delta Quadrant
I LOL`d SO HARD ....

МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 11:35 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Nimeria написа:
Telemah написа:
Nimeria написа:
Има си правило за анкетите ;)

Найш ко? Я земи да локнеш темата 'шот очевидно никой не оценява моят гений. И ако обичаш падни по дръб и си обели носа.

Лол ^^ Butthurt ?

Очевидно без педерастия или лесбийство няма да ми се получи в разказите защото децата в днешно време ( включвам и теб) очевидно харесват разните му там извращения и перверзии и нормалните или съвсем леко криви нещица не ги задоволяват.

И двойните мнения за забранени ;)

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 11:51 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Окт 10, 2005 4:25 pm
Мнения: 2545
Ама ти верно си butthurt. Не знам защо визираш мен , при положение , че просто отбелязах , че си има правило за анкетите ;) А за децата .. ми да , мъж да ебе мъж е яко , проблем ?

Всъщност , това че никой не ти е прочел разказа боли , нали ? Или поне яко реже самочувствието. Свиквай , защото в този раздел , където влизат или хейтъри или хора , които през целия си живот са чели само субовете на Наруто , няма да задоволиш абсолютно никой. Поне мен никой в този форум не може да ме заинтересова.

Ако следващото ти мнение е малко по-учтиво , от изкарване на наранена гордост в/у модератора , който е изкоментирал само правилата на форума , ще ти подаря един не-хейтърски , обективен коментар , който в този раздел едва ли ще получиш.

Peace , bro XD

Louise - mein Herz
Jetzt komm zur Ruh
Mit meinen Tränen decken wir uns zu,
Ich und du...
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 12:42 am 

Регистриран на: Вто Мар 11, 2008 11:04 pm
Мнения: 413
Местоположение: Somewhere far away in space and time
аз го прочетох :P и ме кефи нищо, че е на англ.

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