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 Заглавие: My Fic: Bleed4me's Writings
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Фев 01, 2008 9:14 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
The Weight of Oblivion



I opened my eyes in dissatisfaction, remembering the terrible headache I went to bed with. It must be morning by now, however I am not able to locate the burning disc in the sky. My eyelids remain heavy as there is no sun to tear them open. I try grasping at the table next to my bed without success. To be more accurate there was no table to begin with. The apartment I went to last night was not my own, nor do I remember whose it was. Anyway that does not matter to me any more, since I am ready to get up and take my leave.

“Damn those bones of mine!” – I swear at the nothingness around me. It is my fault not doing any sports and just lazing around. I have never been an athletic person, my strengths were elsewhere. “You can never have it all” – I often repeated to myself. This world does not tolerate disrupting its long treasured balance. Therefore one must accept his own weakness and rejoice at the weakness of others.

Standing on my legs I grab into my pocket and start a feverish search for something.

“Here you are!” – A sigh of relief escapes my lips. Tightly clutching to the box of cigarettes in my right hand I make my way to the door. It is not locked, and I didn’t expect it to be either. It didn’t have the desired effect. It was cold outside; the sun was nowhere to be seen in the dark grayish sky. As if the sky itself was weeping. But why? There has to be a meaning to all this. And I feel as if something is missing, something important and
precious. But it’s gone now…


I do not remember how long it took me to realize that, but I was standing of front of that open door for quite a while. The moment I came back to senses I walked down the long stairway without sparing a needless thought. The stairs seemed as if there was no end to them. I saw through the windows, but nothing changed. The world I saw from the window back on the floor of the apartment did not change at all. Why am I thinking about such unnecessary matters? Again something I cannot explain to
myself, or to my surroundings


It took me some more tiring minutes to reach the outside. It was as I suspected – gloomy and suffocating. Where were all the people? The bus-stop was empty. There was no sign of the usual hectic and noisy commotion. There was just no sign of anything. As if something big and invisible ate them alive.

This is ridiculous. I sit on the sidewalk; my legs crossed on the cold stone I light a smoke. Damn these cigarettes, I have always hated them, but could never get rid of the habit. It was difficult to tell what part of the day it was, for the clouds had this ghostly gray color that made you go mad just by looking at them.

Upon finishing my third smoke I realized that no bus was coming. There should have been at least three till now. Once again on my feet I glare at the upper end of the road, the direction from which the transport was supposed to come. No signs of life, no wind, no light, just a numb feeling going down my spine.


Without realizing it I was already heading in the opposite direction. My footsteps echoed across the whole street as if I was alone. The lack of wind made the trees seem like stoic watchmen of this mystic charade.

I began to recreate this feeling, the feeling I experienced the moment I woke up. It was as if something was wrong, or more like something was missing and that fact alone was wrong. Things can never completely vanish. There is always a clue to where they are now or where they are headed. In fact even the empty space, a lost item creates ,serves as a memory of it. Nothing can be lost and nothing can remain unfound.

Leaving the emptiness in my mind for a moment I slow down my pace to examine my surroundings. The boring rural area I was walking through just minutes ago now slowly turned into a park. It was strange enough as the residential district lacked a vitalizing atmosphere but now the outskirts of the park seemed even more desolate. I thought I heard the cracking of branches though there was no wind. It was a sound like thunder or more like breaking something on purpose. My ears turned deaf, my eyes itched from this depressing and still atmosphere, my mouth was dry. I tried to scream but all that came out was a faint whisper I could barely distinguish with my own ears. Where was I?


Never had I experienced blindness and powerlessness. Well I guess it was a just like all other feelings, only a bit different. During that short time some random images flew through my head. My mind was plagued by places, people, conversations and hatred. I saw a restaurant and three people sitting, having a chat. One of them must be me, but who were the other two. I remember I had a lot of friends some of them really close ones. But as all others I’m still human, my memory had never been something extraordinary. The opposite is more likely, I always tend to forget about certain things...or was that my intention from the begining.
...to forget.

Това е един мой експеримент.
Постнал съм само част от встъплението към моето разказче.
С идеята да получа малко feedback.
Надявам се да ви допадне. Когато редактирам цялата 1ва
част ще я постна

Англииския.. е weird xD ... но да не ви прави впечатление :lol:

Не е нищо особено... just some noob writing


…before I could notice I find myself engulfed by fading smoke.
After I go through the burned debris I find myself in the middle of a small clearing. There is some burned wood here and there, atop of that a sharp smell of brimstone pierces my nose. The smoke seems to surround everything. I wonder where it is coming from. Maybe there is a fire and I was slowly walking to my inevitable doom. And as there is no one around I may find a silent dead somewhere beyond all of this. As I stumble aimlessly through the clearing ahead I notice something to be out of place. Somewhere in front of me is a tree, a big tree with burned but intact branches. I decide to go there and have a closer look.

As I shorten the distance between me and the strange obstacle I am astonished by its pitch black features. It is not so high but its branches are more massive than I thought. However at the base of the whole monument of blackness there is something. I rub my eyes to remove the filth from the smoke. After having partly regained my vision I notice a figure resembling a human.

It was indeed a scene of pure madness. I visualise a long chain disappearing in the branches of the tree. One of its ends is locked on to the hand of the person. His right upper limb is hanging on the same chain and the rest of his body is resting in an uncomfortable position. As if he had been cruely crucified; I thought at that moment. His eyes were closed, partly hidden by his long dirty hair. He is dressed like a normal person, he might be somewhere around my age or even younger. I make a step forward to check on him as suddenly.

“Who is there?” – The person I believed for dead a moment ago was now speaking in a husky voice. “Who are you?” – He continued without me giving an answer.

“First of all. Who are you?” – Was my answer. I had already grown accustomed to this strange reality some time before this meeting occurred, so I almost convinced myself that this was merely a dream. One could even say that I began to have fun. I was in contrast to both the scenery around me and the chained man in front of me.

“I see…” – The person speaks just like an old man. His eyes still closed as if he was blind. “Do you want to hear a story?” – He asked without any other questions. I was stupefied. As if I l had a one-sided conversation with a corpse. And it was not me who did the talking. I crouched on the ground a few meters from him and decided to hear him out. I had no idea why I was doing this. But in ones dreams there is never an explanation for anything. Before he bores me to dead I decide to do something useful and my vision begins to scatter around my surroundings. But then he began…

“I can still hear their screams... What do you know about life, about the importance of it, about its purpose? In fact there is nothing like that, there is just the void. After you pass into the other world you realize you’ve been lied to. They all lied to me, all of them. Maybe that’s why I ended up like this. Chained by my passion. However you must know that nothing is what it seems.” – He stopped for a moment to give some rest to his dry lips and continued in a deeper voice - “They are all sorts of demons. I could see them. I could see their demons – little filthy creatures seated on their shoulders, whispering in their ears. These despicable abominations fulfilled their unmoral desires, made them into reality. Tortured pure souls and threw them away into the nothingness. Don’t get me wrong, demons are evil in a righteous way. It is we humans who can become “that” evil we know. But then again there are thousands of definitions what “evil” actually means. The demon who answers your cries depends on the person himself. And then again a fiend is not something that can make wishes come true. It answers the call of your inner hatred. As I have witnessed the stronger your determination is the better the effect you get.” – After saying these last words I noticed a faint smile on his weary face.

“And what is this effect?” – I ask in order to satisfy my curiosity.

“It is the one that makes you think your wishes come true, thus sealing you doom” – His smile grows bigger as he slowly lifts his eyelids. I notice a reddish glimmer. His eyes, they are actually burning. His stare is that of a living flame. I can sense the destruction piled up inside of him. “And after all, I did to them what they did to others, or to be more accurate… I broke their bodies, but he was the one who broke their souls” – A chill ran down my spine. The atmosphere from a moment ago vanished in an instant. It was cold now. A cracking sound echoed through the now petrified environment. His eyes were the only thing that I could clearly recognize. It was like their burning stare singed by soul. A second cracking sound followed. This time I was prepared. I followed the source and my eyes stopped at the branches of the large black tree.

I have never seen such a thing before. I never thought where the other end of the chain was tied to. Following the iron rings from his skinny hand I found the other end. A giant bestial form was standing between the thick branches. His claws sharp claws bit deep into the tree. His massive features made my blood boil in fear. I felt the neusea. It makes me sick, this whole sight makes me sick. I notice the demon is in fact gnawing on something like a severed hand. The fiend's long filthy tongue licked the severed limb in a disgusting way. In fact the disgust did not come frim the thorn piece of flesh but from the satisfaction with which the beast feasted upon it.

I couldn't hold it any more. The nausea was unbearing. Even the man's fiery red eyes bagan to escape my vision. There was no time. I was slowly plunging into madness. The Daemon did not have eyes of its own but I felt like it was watching me. I heard his heavy breathing, the contractions of his muscles were like a filthy puslating mass of gore.

After I put all my effort in defeating the nausea and the desperate feeling of my soul being stripped from my body I turned in just an instant. There was only one word in my mind now - "run" .

Grunding my teeth I began my escape. It felt good. It felt godly. A feeling of release electrified my body. But not for long...

It came like a thunderstorm. The abominable creature gave out a slicing howl. It split the air, it split my mind, it made my legs split. I tripped, my whole body dived forwards. I hit my head hard on the dry ground. The last thing I remember before passing out was the last word I heard from him before the demon made the sky creak - "flowers..."


Just a try to reshape reality - it's not an easy task, but you feel the urge to master it. This naive wish comes always when it's least needed. When you're desperate and when your abilities and skills cannot help you in the least. When you’re alone, even when you're by yourself, you feel not even your soul is your friend anymore. A second later my head, followed by my trembling body, crushes onto the ground before me. I have always hated to run, this goddamn aura of fear, and when you feel fear, you'll soon start to feel even more of it, thus entering a never-ending cycle of cold despair and warm tears.

It is tingling, something's tingling my nose. My hand goes through the surroundings, my head still lying on the ground. I feel the smooth grass around and under me. My nostrils catch the sweetness of the pleasantly cold air. My eyes are still facing the ground, but I somehow feel the stars shining on me from the sky. I lift myself up slowly and enter an upright weary stance. Looking around I notice a magnificent view, it's like a maelstrom of life and death. Enormous trees, tender white flowers, bright shining stars and a couple of partly destroyed gravestones all this is giving of a strange feeling of eternity.

"Have you finished looking around?" - hearing the words I stumble back a little and fall clumsily on the ground behind me.

"Who...who's there?"

"To be more accurate, there is no one here. Well except you maybe, but I don't think even you count as "who". So please cut the trivial talk, would you please.

"What… What talk, I barely said anything" - Thinking the conversation is taking a strange turn, far too early. And I still have not found out who the speaker was. All I can say was that it was the voice of a female. And the strange echo around made it sound a little ghostly.

Suddenly the clouds cleared and revealed the moon crescent in the sky. Everything filled with the intense moonlight. My eyes caught a slender silhouette in the distance and I did not waste any time.

"Stop there, don't come any closer" - She whispered just enough for me to hear. "There is no need. I saw you run. It was somehow amusing. My favorite part was the one where you hit your head on the stones and make a roll. You were funny and it almost made me laugh, but still almost. So don't get the wrong impression." - Revealing her facial features from under the long black hair she smiled.Her Hair was raven black and produced a mysterious shimmer under the moonlit sky, her pale but still beautiful lips, formed a reserved smile. "So… That aside. Does your head hurt?" - The reflection of the moon flickering in her crystal clear brown eyes.

"Well... I think I'm ok" - Was all I managed to to get out of my vocal cords. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. But I hope she’ll at least tell me who she is.

"Good. Well, that didn't matter anyway." - A brief chuckle followed, and after fading was, replaced by a warm smile. "Well, some people just die, you know. It can't be helped, it can't be changed, that is the end of the World for most. And believe me, the "End of the World"’s a nice place to be. However some people get killed, it is almost the same, but it's more like "almost not the same". - She glanced at the stars scattered about the endless blue-black sky. Then continued... "Have you ever been put into the trunk of a car, dragged of, beaten, violated, pushed to your limits. Well death may be bad in its own sense, but when "death" isn't actually performed no one is to blame. Scarring the surface and, breaking of parts of the soul. Dead is not like that, these characteristics are to be applied under the description of "life".

After a brief moment of silence she continued:

"But I see your soul hasn't slipped out of you completely yet. That means you'll be departing soon. Excuse me for having misjudged you. Your fate may have been even worse than mine. Still the most intriguing is - that you don't seem to be upset at all... I am not the one to tell you that anyway. Don't mind me.

I opened my mouth. I wanted to ask so many questions. To get so many answers. But suddently something grabbed and pushed me close to the ground. I screamed.

"Jees, these animated hands are a real bother. They're allways late." - She remarked in a bored tone "It was nice to have met you mister. Have fun , no matter where they'll bring you to. I'm sure you'll get enough of that "fun". Ooww, Don't look at me with that scared face of yours. Remember, you can't die stupid. However, at some point you may wish to do so anyway" - A high pitched chuckle followed and the mysterious hands plunged me into the ground.

... there was nothing, but this "something", I was now sure of it, was soon to come.

Последна промяна Bleed4me на Съб Май 31, 2008 1:08 pm, променена общо 13 пъти

МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Фев 01, 2008 10:14 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Авг 05, 2006 12:36 pm
Мнения: 3228
Местоположение: In the middle of nowhere...
В Първия момент, когато се зачетох, останах без думи.Признавам, привлече ме просто това, че е на английски и, че е нещо различно от поредното сасусаку или нарухина, или което и да е произведение.

Невероятно добър език, информацията е представена на читателя невероятно добре , който е оставен просто да седи и да чете през редовете. Разкривайки много истини за живота, този фик заслужава да "изхаби Вашето време". Признавам, че изказването ми може да звучи много високопарно, но това е истината. Екзистенцията на всеки един индивид, може да намери своето отражение в разказа. С нетърпение очаквам продължението ^-^


*Слънце мое*
Thx to Harada Risa~
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Фев 02, 2008 2:13 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Окт 27, 2005 8:33 am
Мнения: 4133
Местоположение: The frontline
Браво Блиид. Това беше много готино и с интерес бих искал да проследя историята докрай, така че продължавай в същия дух и hope to read the new piece soon :D

МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Фев 02, 2008 12:10 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 04, 2005 4:06 am
Мнения: 3381
Местоположение: cyber-sekai
да наистина е по различно от всичките фикшъни по наруто :lol:
английският е безгрешен

иначе не беше чак толкова новаторско, но пък ще е интересно да разбереш какво става по нататък

skype: zenscape
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Фев 02, 2008 3:14 pm 
Spamoza Vulgaris

Регистриран на: Пон Май 21, 2007 12:27 pm
Мнения: 8529
Местоположение: On the highway to hell
Мога да ти кажа, че само заради страхотния ти английски ти давам 6, много добре описано и представено,страхотно е! Браво!!!

Where does the good go~
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Фев 04, 2008 1:25 am 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
Пуснах 2-рата част от встъплението. Скоро ще допиша и третата, а след това ще започна по същество.

МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Фев 04, 2008 4:06 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Авг 05, 2006 12:36 pm
Мнения: 3228
Местоположение: In the middle of nowhere...
Oтново breathtaking глава ^-^ yey~~ адски мрачна и всепоглъщаща обстановка. Ето отде ще си попълвам речника с изкелифенджени фрази от рода на смърт, изкормване, мрак, агония и подобни неща :lol:


*Слънце мое*
Thx to Harada Risa~
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Фев 04, 2008 4:29 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 04, 2005 4:06 am
Мнения: 3381
Местоположение: cyber-sekai
започва да страва интересно, давай на татък :)

skype: zenscape
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Фев 18, 2008 9:56 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
Емм... донякъде май го докарах. Това трябва да бъде въведението.
(май xDDDDD)
Сигурно ще го попроменя, но за сега го оставям така.
Сега започва по-нормалното, не странно xDDD (надявам се xDDD)

(предварително да отбележа, клишета няма да има...дори и да изглежда така xDDDDDDDDDDD)

МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Фев 19, 2008 12:25 am 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 04, 2005 4:06 am
Мнения: 3381
Местоположение: cyber-sekai
is the banshee beautiful?
"Revealing her facial features from under the long black hair she smiled"
she must be

чакам следващата част с нетърпение

skype: zenscape
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Фев 22, 2008 7:52 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
Bleed4me написа:
I knew it xDDD
а се чудех какво съм пропуснал ^_^'
anyway направих една бърза редакция

Anyway ... here's more of the booze...

And I sit here alone. What am I doing anyway? The cigarette smoke tries to escape the closed space. The stairs are cold, the corridor is quiet, and it is dark outside. My head spins like hell, my eyes hurt, and my fingers cut on broken glass…
I pour down the first glass of whiskey down my throat, the second following soon after. I search for my lighter and pass it to the person asking for it. The third glass is already empty. My head begins to feel weird, but that’s ok, that had been the idea anyway. There are people all around me, strange people, different people, smiling people, and people walking on the ceiling. Hey wait! People can’t walk the ceiling; maybe I need another drink. Pour down the fourth one…
…hopefully the lighter is still with me. I slowly lift the last cigarette to my lips and light it. The smoke fills my lungs and escapes them just as quickly. And the smoke lifts itself into the sky, but there is no sky, there is just the ceiling. What does smoke do when it reaches the limit? Does it simply fade away, never to return? Just like lost dreams?”
I think I’m getting sick… I need a glass of water, but there is no water, or is it just that I am not able to find it. “Damn!” I whisper to myself. Everything is turning and twisting, I can’t make out anything apart from lots of people and the deafening music. Why? Why are they ignoring me? Are they laughing at me? No, I don’t think they are paying any attention to me. I didn’t know them too well anyway. Now I really feel alone…
…I look down. “Ahh here they are… my dreams.” – Just like the ash from the damned cigarette they slowly fall to the ground. Like lifeless gray snowflakes. They are so fragile, just like the same lost dreams. They are doomed, there is no other way. They just touch the cold floor and simultaneously crumble into themselves. Merely resembling a faded memory, a forgotten wish, a consumed dream...
Fuck! Where is the exit? I can’t find it. Some people gave me directions. I had completely forgotten that the party was in an acquaintance’s apartment. Not that I can remember which acquaintance it was in my current state. At last a person directed me to where the exit was. My hand touches the cold doorknob, I turn it. I find myself alone in the corridor.
Blood was slowly spotting the floor. Where in the nine hells did I cut myself on I can’t tell? I use my shirt as a bandage to stop the bleeding. It does not hurt, nothing hurts at the moment. Just that one, that one still hurts. The body fills the cuts it suffers with blood, but the soul cannot do so…
I feel invigorated by the cold, but still dizzy from the after effects of the intoxication. Suddenly I hear a sound. It’s more like a scream. Yes it is a scream. Well I don’t care. It seems to come from some of the upper apartments so it does not concern me. After hearing the sound of a door shut the screams faded. I took a seat on the stairs…
I close my eyes for a moment and try to relax. Suddenly the door behind me opens and someone comes out. To be honest I didn’t expect any company but here it was. After having a look around, she takes a seat on the edge of the stairs next to me…
“Long time no see…”

МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Фев 22, 2008 8:26 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Авг 05, 2006 12:36 pm
Мнения: 3228
Местоположение: In the middle of nowhere...
yey another weird piece of like fiction stuff ^^
отново 10/10 леко объркано....ноо все пак занимателно и интригуващо....трябва да уточняваш 4е няма връзка, защото хората се бъркаме. Поне аз. :lol:


*Слънце мое*
Thx to Harada Risa~
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 30, 2008 9:12 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
There was a door here, its gone now.

Последна промяна Bleed4me на Сря Фев 25, 2009 5:50 pm, променена общо 1 път

МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 30, 2008 11:20 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 02, 2005 9:47 pm
Мнения: 2991
Местоположение: Германия, Бремен
There was a door here, its gone now.

Последна промяна Bleed4me на Сря Фев 25, 2009 5:51 pm, променена общо 1 път

МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 30, 2008 11:29 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Авг 05, 2006 12:36 pm
Мнения: 3228
Местоположение: In the middle of nowhere...
тъъъъъй........фик 1... фейл....,но ако ще те успокои....фейл-а ти е по-малък от този на обикновените сасусаку фикшъни ^^ Не прави фентъзито толкова...нз комично...тва с тухлата беше не на място ^^"

втория......ми............както винаги ми харесва ужасно много. Караме да зеленея от завист ^^ Кефи ме на макс. Жестоко е и за пръв път забавно ^^ Мислих, че ще ми харесат повече мрачните ти неща, но съм сбъркала~~~ 10/10 ^^


*Слънце мое*
Thx to Harada Risa~
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