От доста време се чудех дали да постна една моя измишльотина,но чак сега се реших...знам,че не е кой знае какво,ама все пак ето
A little in love with... Do you know how does it feel To feel the fingers of Death down your spine? Do you know how a deep wound heal? These deep wounds of mine?
Because every night in my dream Silently she comes again The girl with the snow white skin That I used to call "a friend"
Every time she comes to me She just stays in the corner And without words she says to me: ”You are just like me – a loner”
Then I wake up with a bleeding heart Full of hate and sorrow All alone in the dark Just waiting for tomorrow…
And I know tomorrow night she’ll come again That’s why I don’t want to fall asleep She’ll try to cause me even more pain And to start the wounds to bleed (again)…
And that just drives me insane I can't feel the ground under my feet I simply want to forget all the pain But I have to hold it all behind my teeth…
In the end of the tunnel You can't see a light There's only the darkness Squeezing you tight…
And finally you die so Now I surely win the bet I know that we're all A little in love with death…
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