"A Rose for Emily" - A Bleed4me essay |
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Автор: | Bleed4me [ Вто Яну 22, 2008 12:29 am ] |
Заглавие: | "A Rose for Emily" - A Bleed4me essay |
Цитат: A Rose for Emily" recounts the story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. An unnamed narrator details the strange circumstances of Emily’s life and her odd relationships with her father, who controlled and manipulated her, and her lover, the Yankee road worker Homer Barron. She is seen buying arsenic, which the townspeople believe she will use to commit suicide. After this, Homer Barron is not heard from again, and is assumed to have returned north. Though she does not commit suicide, the townspeople of Jefferson continue to gossip about her and her eccentricities, citing her family's history of mental illness. She is heard from less and less, and rarely ever leaves her home. Unbeknownst to the townspeople until her death, hidden in her upstairs room is Homer's corpse, which explains the horrid stench that emitted from Miss Emily's house 40 years ago.
След като другарите от класа им беше забавно да прочетат това, реших да го постна тук. Това е есето, което писах на класното по англииски. (Да предадох го в такъв вид) темата беше доста тъпа... базирана на текст, които бях чел едва сутринта преди класното... И все пак... I hope you laugh... xD "Until death do us part" - yeah right. And hiding corpses in locked rooms is considdered a hobby? I will try to talk about psychic disorder,social withdrawal and necrophilia. After reading this story I thought about some severe mental brain damaging things, I can't explain why. Maybe there is something wrong with me. First of all, withdrawal from society due to tragedy, whether the dead of the last family member or something else, is to be expected. In my opinion antisocial behaviour is not that bad at all.In some cases it can be even better than communicationg with other people. It has been confirmed that women are more likely to develop mental disorder based on partnership, love, dating and the end of a romantic relationship, than men. Why keep a corpse at home? I would never keep a corpse at home, for any purpose. But I think the heroine realy liked him. However in my opinion he tried to sewer his romantic ties with her, so she ended up poisoning him. Yes, only a woman could do that, a mentaly unstable one. Thats why I like women with a strong personality - so they don't kill me when I try to get out of an uncomfortable situation - such as marriage for axample. Girls learn from an early age to depend on men. First it's their fathers, then brothers, later on, on their husbands. Emily lost the support of her father - thus she may have felt a strong feeling of confusion, lonelyness and despair. And later on her unwilling groom did pay dearly. Poisoned like a rat, because of her not wanting to end it. After she decided to keep a corpse as a pet comes the antisocial part of her life. Maybe she found out by herself that killing people is a bad thing. I also find a slight note of racism in this extract. Black workers are being exploited by the white population of the town for all sorts of things. The black worker at her house had no life to call his own, only serving the old hag. I am against racism, however I thing I strayed a little too far from the main tipic... In the end what exactly did she do with the corpse. I have no idea, nor I want to have one. She may have slept with it, just like a married couple does. Well necrophilia is bad you know. Love can be cruel. An unhappy love story can often result in such vengeful acts. Everything written above is based on the extract from the textbook, some assumptions of mine, a strange imagination and some extra cups of coffee. ПП: рецензията ми е excellent xDDD |
Автор: | Pres [ Вто Яну 22, 2008 12:49 am ] |
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Стилът много ми хареса, интересен хумор, макар и малко ... странен, но ми беше доста приятно да прочета есето, въпреки темата. |
Автор: | Tidersson [ Вто Яну 22, 2008 1:06 am ] |
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Много е яко |
Автор: | Devili6 [ Вто Яну 22, 2008 10:30 pm ] |
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Много е добро! ![]() |
Автор: | Funny [ Пон Фев 18, 2008 9:15 pm ] |
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Доста странен хумор, но ми хареса ![]() |
Автор: | xads [ Пон Фев 18, 2008 9:22 pm ] |
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По текста честно казано не ми направи впечатление,не го и разбрах много...има предвид идеята....иначе loneliness really имаше още нещо но забравих какво беше ![]() |
Автор: | Catwoman [ Нед Сеп 07, 2008 10:28 pm ] |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Автор: | CemeteryGates [ Пон Сеп 08, 2008 1:47 am ] |
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All I can say is...Imba XDDDDDD Good show,chap! |
Автор: | nem13 [ Пон Сеп 08, 2008 10:20 am ] |
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Честно казано... скучно. В началото тръгна добре, но при третия абзац изпитах желание да го зарежа. Айде де, прочетох го докрая, и освен, че английският ти ми е скучен, и самото есе не беше впечатляващо. Още повече дразнят американизмите от типа "you know...." |
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