Putting 86thunder’s artworks into words is a pretty difficult task for me. I think “chaos” is what would describe the pictures best (at least for most of them). This is not my favorite kind of artwork, but I don’t dislike small doses of them from time to time. While there’s no apparent “drawing logic” in those, there’s still a little something that usually catches your attention within each picture : Most likely his personal touch, which makes his style so special. This kind of artwork is not for everyone; but if you like it, make sure to check his Pixiv profile, as there are many, many more of them there.
Аз пък не го виждам като "chaos". Даже са страшно готини. На мен повечето ми навяват готик, особено с тези замъци и с малките момиченца. Но са си страхотни.
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