Написах го на Англииски но не вярвам това да е проблем :wink:
Dear Diary...
...today's been an awesome day.
First I had to wake up at 6:30 >.<
Then I had to take a shower...when the hot watter stopped for like the 3rd time this week!
After that polar-survival-skills test I had to go to school...in the freakin' rain.
I called a taxi.The nice drivers usually ripp you off big time and...today wasn't an exception.
He left me on the street where there was a huge "swimming pool" I had to go trough to get to school.
Anyways,I managed to swim the distance.
I got to school.Geography time.My lovely teacher said "Ok,now someone's gonna get pwned..... Lets see here...mmm..Ivo!!". "*sigh* (bitch...)"
I have as much geography knowledge as a penguin...so the fact I got an F is not that shocking.
Chemistry.My "favorite" class of all.Nothing bothers me when I enter the room...it stinks like it usually does.The bell rings and almost falls off since it's been on the wall for lets say the last 50 years or so.Then my lovely and young,56-year-old teacher comes in with some papers in his hand - "Take out a pen and put all your stuff in your bags..time for a test"(fuckin' bastard!).It's ok..I've studied yesterday...about 3 whole minutes while I was waiting for my porn to download."Oh wait! Everybody calm down.I just realised I'm too stupid and I forgot a big part of the tests.Oh well...only THAT row will do a test since I only have enough papers for them *points his finger at me*."I got pwned in chem as well...not that I actually care thou.
Then the bell rings and finally falls off after half a century of service.I spend the next few hours dying miserably in Law,Philosophy and worst of all-Math.I know you're laffing your ass off right now but perhaps you're also wondering why I I said "today's been an awesome day" in the begining.Well,when everything seemed hopeless a miracle happened.
I was walking down the hall and suddenly something hit me from the side.It was a really cute girl and she had dropped her books on the ground from the impact with me."Sorry" she said while collecting all her stuff from the floor.I decided to help her pick them up.After that we started talking and I escorted her to her room.Then I head the bell ringing and damnit I was late for class.I got my "Why the hell are you late for class,idiot?" speach from the teacher but I didn't really care.After 40 painfull minutes school finally ended (thank you God!!). It was raining but that didn't really bother me 'cuz I always carry an umbrela with me.I got out and I saw something...nice.That girl I had met earlier was standing there without an umbrella,waiting for the rain to stop so she can go home dry."Hey,you didn't tell me you couldn't swim" said I and I showed her my umbrella.She laughed at me and then said "I don't know a lot about you either...".Then she came under the umbrella.With my hand around her shoulder we walked together to the bus stop.Before she got on her bus she whispered in my ear-"My Skype is #######.Call me"
Да добавя само че част* от историята е "based on real facts"
edit:*частта за шибания ден